Power Rangers Mystic Force Chapter 11: Ariving and Reuniting at Pine Hollow.

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As Madison, Z, and Sydney walk into the stables, Madison sees some old friends of hers.

"Lisa, Carole, Stevie. Is that you", asks Madison.

"Maddie", yells Lisa, Carole, and Stevie as they hug Madison.

"Hey girls I would like you to meet Sydney Drew and Elizabeth Delgado, but we call her Z", says Madison.

"It's nice to meet you guys", says Lisa, Carole, and Stevie,

"So Lisa, what's happened since I've been gone", asks Madison.

"Veronica's gone. She left the stables for good", says Lisa.

"Amen to that", says Madison.

"Come on. I want to show you something", says Lisa as she pulls Madison to a stall door.

"What's going on here", asks Madison.

"This was Cobalts stall", says Lisa.

"She killed him. Didn't she", asks Madison.

"Yeah. He had to be out down after Veronica severely injured him", says Lisa.

"If I ever see her again. I'm going to blow", says Madison.

"I know. Lets get you a horse and some tack", says Lisa.

Carole, Stevie, Z, and Sydney walk up to Lisa and Madison.

(Lisa's Point of View)

Seeing Madison again is amazing, but when I show her Cobalt's stall I noticed that she was on the verge of tears. That's when I decided to change the topic.

"So Lisa lets go find me a horse", says Madison.

"Follow me", I say.

(Madison's Point of View)

I follow Lisa to a stall where I see a beautiful liver chestnut horse.

"Oh Lisa, he's perfect", I say.

"I had a feeling you'd pick him", says Lisa.

"I've noticed", I say.

"His name's Moonlight", says Lisa.

"Hi Moonlight", I say as Moonlight walks up to the stall door.

I begin to stroke Moonlight's neck as Sydney, Z, Carole, and Stevie walk up.

"He's beautiful Madison", says Z.

"I know Z. Moonlight is the prettiest horse I've ever seen", I say.

"Madison, may I have a word with you", asks Max.

"Sure. I'm coming Max", I say as I walk into Max's office.

"Madison I wanted to tell you that I have to assign you a saddle, reins, and helmet, but it's going to be expensive", says Max.

"Max, how much is it combined", I asks.

"One hundred and fifty dollars", says Max.

"Max, do you remember what my mom told you a long time ago", I asks.

"Yeah, why", asks Max.

"I was suppose to get my stuff for free", I say.

"I know, but when you left, your mom came here and she turned your stuff in", says Max.

"I haven't contacted my mom in a long time. So I think that I should get my riding equipment back", I say.

"Okay, but your friends will need some equipment too", says Max.

"And how much is that going to cost", I ask.

"Nothing, it's free for the three of you", says Max.

"Thanks Max. I owe you one", I say.

(Normal Point of View)

When Madison and Max walk out, Max says, "Z and Sydney come with us".

While Z, Sydney, and Madison follow Max to the stable shop, Max lets them choose any type of tack they want. Sydney and Z get an English saddle, reins, and a saddle blanket. Madison chooses a western style tack set with a beautiful turquoise blue saddle blanket with a silver clouds embroidered on it. Madison finds her horse and she saddles him up. She then puts the bit and bridle on her horse Moonlight.

When Sydney and Z saddle up their horses, Carole and Stevie have to help them out. When Max hands the three of us riding helmets the three of us ride off with Lisa, Carole, and Stevie. While we are riding, Z's, Sydney's and Madison's morphers go off.

"If you'll excuse us for a moment", says Madison.

Madison, Z, and Sydney answer their morphers.

"Girls, it's Kat. You're needed back at SPD", says Kat.

"Kat we've been given orders to take four months off. We're enjoying it", says Madison.

"Look, Commander Birdie is coming in for a visit. We need all cadets present", says Kat.

"We'll talk to him later Kat. We've got to go", says Z.

Madison hangs up her morpher and the three of them share a look.

"We are not going back. If we leave, then we can't come back", says Z.

"We'll go back in three months", says Madison.

"Agreed", says Sydney.

Sydney, Z, and Madison find Lisa, Carole, and Stevie waiting for them.

"Lets head back", says Madison.

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