Power Rangers Mystic Force Chapter 5: Nick and Madison's Conversation.

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When Nick sees Madison finish, he gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"Now that was somewhat romantic", says Madison.

Nick asks Madison, if she wants to go on a romantic bike ride with him. Madison of course says, Yes.

The next day, when Madison tries to walk from her bed, her legs are so weak that she falls straight to the floor. She then pulls out her morpher and calls Nick.

"Stay there, I'm entering Rootcore from Briarwood, give me 5 minutes", says Nick.

Nick shows up three minutes later.

He runs over to Madison, where he places her back in bed.

"I guess that means no motorcycle ride today", says Madison upset.

"We'll do it another time", exclaims Nick.

Madison then feels ice cold, when she falls back asleep.

"Nick, I'm freezing", says Madison through chatting teeth.

Nick grabs another blanket from the storage closet.

"Here you go Madison", says Nick covering her up.

"Thanks Nick. I feel really bad that with me being in here, we can't do anything together", exclaims Madison.

"It's not your fault, but we can do anything you want to when you're better. I promise", says Nick.

"Okay, but what can we do together when I'm fully better", asks Madison.

"I could buy you your first ever motorcycle, with matching equipment", says Nick.

"Now that I would like", says Madison.

Madison smiles and she goes into a deep sleep. While she's sleeping Nick's looking over some spell books, but he puts them back and he goes back into the infirmary, where he sees Madison sleeping with a smile on her face.

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