Power Rangers Mystic Force Chapter 3: A Plan is Made.

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When Vida leaves, Nick gently covers Madison up.
"Udonna, keep an eye on Madison", exclaims Nick.
Nick leaves, to go to Madison's house, where he packs all of her stuff even her laptop.
Nick finds a note from Vida saying,"Madison, I left and I'm not coming back.I left to go to the underworld. I'll miss you and all the rangers, Thanks for everything."
Nick runs back to the tree, where he finds Udonna.
"Nick, what's wrong", asks Udonna.
"Read the note Vida left for Madison", says Nick giving the note to Udonna.
When Udonna reads the note, she calls Chip and Xander.
When Chip and Xander show up, Nick fills them in, about the note Vida left.
"She's crazy",says Chip.
"I know, but why would she do this to us, Madison especially", explains Xander.
"I don't know, but I'm worried about Madison, she's the most kind spirited lady, I've ever meet", exclaims Nick.
Nick, Chip, and Xander share a look.
"Okay, I have a plan to protect Madison, but you two need to agree to this", says Nick.
"What's the plan Nick", asks Chip.
"If I teach Madison how to spare, Xander can you teach Madison spells, and Chip can you teach Madison archery", exclaims Nick.
"We'll do it Nick", says Chip and Xander.
"Thanks guys. I better go check up on Madison", says Nick.

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