Power Rangers Mystic Force Chapter 17: Revealing the Evidence.

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Madison, Z, and Sydney stay awake for another hour before they all fall asleep. Early the next morning at six a.m. Lisa, Carole, and Stevie arrive to see Madison, Z, and Sydney fast asleep.

"What time did they fall asleep", asks Lisa.

"I have no idea, but we have to wake them up", says Stevie.

Lisa and Carole wake Madison, Z, and Sydney up. When the three girls wake up they change into some regular clothes and they see Lisa, Carole, and Stevie looking at them.

"What time did you three go to sleep", asks Lisa.

"Late last night. Come check out what we found", says Madison.

Madison shows Lisa, Carole, and Stevie the evidence. When Madison shows them the clip from Cobalt's stall their jaws drop.

"That's got to be Cobalt's ghost. We've got to show this to Max", says Carole.

"What's going on in here and what do you have to show me", asks Max.

"We heard some noises from inside the stable. When we had some thermal cameras and some audio equipment, we picked up a lot of evidence", says Sydney.

Madison shows Max the evidence. When Madison gets to Cobalt's stall she says, "This is from Cobalt's old stall".

When Max sees the evidence he's in total amazement. Sydney, Z, and Madison get into a group hug with Lisa, Carole, and Stevie. As soon as it's eight a.m. Lisa, Carole, Stevie, Madison, Z, and Sydney go on a trail ride. They ride around on the trails and as they're riding, Madison says, "Hold Up".

"What's up Madison", asks Sydney.

"Do you hear that", asks Madison.

"Yeah, where is that noise coming from", asks Lisa.

"Let's split up into three teams. Lisa and Z on team one, Stevie and Sydney on team two, and Carole and I on team three", says Madison.

"Let's go. Whistle if you hear or find anything", says Carole.

"Roger", says Sydney, Z, Lisa, and Stevie.

"Take these. I brought them with me just in case if we needed them. There's enough for us to have one of them per person", says Madison.

Madison hands out the walkies, while she's sitting on her saddle. As the three teams split up Madison and Carole find an injured horse. Madison sends a message out using her walkie. The other girls show up to see Madison and Carole tending to the injured horse. As Lisa, Stevie, Z, and Sydney dismount they call Max using Lisa's cell phone. Max shows up ten minutes later on his beautiful golden palmino horse. Max dismounts to see the six girls tending to the injured horse. Max then asks, "What's going on here?"

Carole shows Max to the injured horse. As Max touches the injured horse he can feel it's heart racing.

"This isn't good. It's injuries are too severe. Carole get the others and head back to the stable", says Max.

"You got it Max", says Carole.

Carole and the others ride back to Pine Hollow. As soon as they arrive back at Pine Hollow they see Mrs. Reg.

"Where's Max at", asks Mrs. Reg.

Carole and Mrs. Reg walk into Max's office, where Carole says, "We found an injured horse and when Max said it's injuries were too severe, he told the six of us to return here to the stable. I know what he meant when he said it's injuries are too severe. He has to put it down".

"Oh Carole. Did you see the color of the horse", asks Mrs. Reg.

"It was a liver chesnut color and it had a star and stripe on it's nose", says Carole.

Just as Carole's about to say another word Max walks in.

"You okay Max", asks Carole.

"I had to put the horse down. I'll never forget what I had to do", says Max.

"It'll be okay Max. If you'll excuse me I'm going to meet up with Lisa, Stevie, Z, Sydney, and Madison", says Carole.

Carole walks out of Max's office and she meets up with her friends.

"You okay Carole", asks Lisa.

"Yeah, I'm fine", says Carole.

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