Power Rangers Mystic Force Chapter 12: A Hard Call

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When the six girls arrive at the stables, they see Sky and Bridge.

"What are you two doing here", asks Z.

"We came looking for you three", says Sky.

"Well we can't go back for another three to four months", says Sydney.

"We know, but we need the three of you back. Please come back with us", says Sky.

"Give us four months and then we'll come back", says Z.

The six girls untack the horses and they put them away. When the guys leave, Madison, Z, and Sydney share a look. When they do, they head outside to the jeep. Madison sees Lisa, Carole, and Stevie walking over to them.

"Do you need any help", asks Carole.

"Yes, lets get these boxes inside to the clubhouse", says Madison.

Lisa, Carole, and Stevie grab two boxes at a time and they help carry them to the clubhouse. It takes thirty minutes to get all the boxes inside. When Max walks in he sees the girls talking and laughing, but he has a large box for Z, Carole, Sydney, Stevie, Madison, and Lisa.

"Hey Max", says Carole.

"Girls why do I have a feeling that three of you need a place to stay", asks Max.

Madison then says, "Max Z, Sydney, and I need a place to stay. This is the only place we could think of".

"Well if the three of you need anything just ask me or Lisa, Carole, and Stevie", says Max.

"You got it Max", says Madison.

Max walks out, but he leaves the box behind. When Madison spots the box, she says, "Max left a box in here".

"It's addressed to us", says Z.

"Sweet. Lets open it", says Stevie.

(Authors Note)

There will be more chapters to come, but will the six of them open the box or will they leave it closed? Thank you to some fellow Wattpad users Tracy Burlew and Serena Malfroy for their guidance and support. Comment or vote for my story and I might even enter this story into the Watty Awards if enough people like this story. Thanks to all of my followers!

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