Power Rangers Mystic Force Chapter 16 Paranormal Activity at Pine Hollow

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That night at Pine Hollow Madison, Z, and Sydney were in the stables when Z hears a soft voice.

"Did you hear that", asks Z.

"Yeah I did. How about you Sydney", asks Madison.

"I heard it too. You don't think this place is haunted", exclaims Sydney.

"There's only one way to find out. It's a good thing I brought the ghost hunting equipment with me", says Madison.

Madison runs to the clubhouse, where she finds four large cases. She runs back to the stable where she opens them.

"You're good Madison", says Z.

"Thanks Z. Can you two help me set up", asks Madison.

"Yeah let's do it", says Sydney.

Madison sets up a thermal camera inside of the stable, by the stable door. When Z, Sydney, and Madison are finished, Madison hooks up all of the cameras to a wireless transmitter.

"Alright we've got five minutes until we go lights out. Take a video camera and an EMF recorder as well as a walkie talkie. On your video cameras there is a thermal camera feature that's on there. Connect a small flashlight to it and if anything goes wrong contact me using the walkie. I'll connect my laptop to the cameras and then we'll be good to go", says Madison.

Madison connects the cameras to her laptop, which is also charging.

"Are we ready. Z and Sydney you're up first", says Madison.

Z and Madison turn the lights out and Sydney joins Z as Madison heads back to the clubhouse. While Madison's watching the cameras she spots something.

"Z do you copy", asks Madison.

"What's up Madison", asks Z.

"I just picked up a human silhouette on the thermal camera. It's by Max's office", says Madison.

"We're on it", says Z.

Z and Sydney find nothing by Max's office.

"There's nothing here. Did you record it", asks Z.

"I did. Let's end this around midnight", says Madison.

"Copy that. It's nine-thirty right now so we've got three in a half hours left. Let us know if you pick anything else up", says Z.

"Will do over and out", says Madison.

Back in the stable Sydney records the entire stable using her thermal camera. At eleven-thirty Madison picks up her walkie and she says, "Alright guys lets get the lights back on".

"Copy that Madison", says Sydney.

When Z walks past Cobalt's old stall her video camera records a ghost horse. Z doesn't realize it and she turns the lights back on. Z and Sydney walk back into the clubhouse, where they see Madison checking over the footage.

"Have you seen anything yet",asks Sydney.

"Maybe, but I can't make it out", says Madison.

Madison shows the footage to Z and Sydney.

"Where did you find this", asks Z. 

"It came off of your camera Z. Before you turned the lights on, I got a huge thermal spike. It was like way creepy. The percentage was through the roof", says Madison. 

"How high was the percentage", asks Z.

"Over two hundred percent", says Madison.

"We've got to tell Max as soon as he arrives today", says Sydney.

Madison, Z, and Sydney pick up all of the equipment and they pack it away in the SPD cases. They walk back to the clubhouse, where they stay up for a little while longer.

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