Power Rangers Mystic Force Chapter 13: First Sleepover at Pine Hollow

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When Lisa, Carole, Stevie, Sydney, Z, and Madison open the box they see camping gear.

"This is awesome", says Z.

"I know, but is it safe to camp outside", asks Sydney.

"We could always camp out here in the clubhouse, just sleeping bags, hot chocolate with marshmallows. We could even roast marshmallows over the wood burning fireplace", says Lisa.

"That's a done deal", says Madison.

The six of them then pull everything out of the box.

"Check out the sleeping bags", says Z.

"They're beautiful", says Lisa.

Carole pulls out a lunch tote to see graham crackers, chocolate bars, and marshmallows.

"We even got s'mores supplies", says Carole.

"You know what. Lets sleep here tonight", says Lisa.

"Would your parents be okay with that", asks Z.

"Yeah, lets go call and ask them", says Carole.

Lisa, Carole, and Stevie call their parents who give them permission to spend the night at Pine Hollow.

Back in the Clubhouse Z, Sydney, and Madison change into their pajamas. When Lisa, Carole, and Stevie walk into the clubhouse, their faces are beaming with smiles.

"We're spending the night here", exclaims Lisa, Carole, and Stevie.

Two hours later...

Madison, Z, Sydney, Lisa, Carole, and Stevie are sipping hot chocolate and their roasting marshmallows over the wood burning fireplace. When they finish making s'mores Carole puts the fire out with a glass of water.

"This is pretty awesome", says Z.

"I know, this is the most fun that I've ever had", says Sydney.

"Lets head to bed in about an hour or two", says Stevie.

"Okay, but no more sugar or we'll be up all night", says Carole with a giggle.

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