Power Rangers Mystic Force Chapter 2: Vida's Betrayal.

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Nick takes Madison to the hospital, but she's sent home with 3 1/2 pints of blood.

Nick takes Madison to Rootcore, where Chip, Xander, Clare, and Udonna are waiting, back at HQ.

"Hey Nick, where's Madison", asks Udonna.

"She's suppose to be in sick bay", says Nick.

"Madison's on the floor", says Udonna.

Nick, Chip, Xander, and Clare run in to see Udonna trying to put Madison back in bed.

"I got her Udonna", says Nick.

Nick gently places Madison into bed.

"I need everyone out", says Nick.

"Why", asks Xander.

"I had to take her to the hospital and they gave me 3 1/2 to 4 pints of blood for Madison", says Nick.

"Alright, but I'm staying", says Vida.

"No, I need you out Vida", says Nick.

"Fine, but if she doesn't get better, it's your fault", says Vida.

Vida leaves and she heads back home, where she's confronted by Necroli.

"Necroli what are you doing here", asks Vida.

"Will you join the darkside and if you do we could destroy the Mystic Rangers for once and for all", says Necroli.

"I'm in, but the red ranger is mine", says Vida.

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