Power Rangers Mystic Force Chapter 9: Goodbye Rootcore, Hello SPD

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As soon as Madison puts on her new boots, she puts on her helmet, gloves, goggles, and her sky blue leather jacket.
"You ready", asks Nick.
"You know it. Even though I'm nervous, I can do this", says Madison.
"Stay steady and calm and you'll be fine", says Nick.
"Okay, lets start the engines up", says Madison.
Nick looks at his girlfriend and he smiles. Madison then asks,"What type of gas goes into the gas tank?"
"Unleaded or regular", says Butchy.
"Okay", says Madison.
Madison starts her engine up as well as Nick. They ride off together where they ride for a few miles until they arrive at the Rootcore: Briarwood border.
"That was amazing", says Madison.
"I know. We should do it more often", says Nick.
"I agree", says Madison.
Madison and Nick decide to park them by the border, but they decide to hide them behind some bushes.
"Do you think that will work", asks Madison.
"No, we'll take them past the border in order to hide them", says Nick.
Madison and Nick decide to do some more riding, which they spend about three hours doing, until Madison signals for Nick to stop.
"What's up Madison", asks Nick.
"It's five thirty. We should head back", says Madison.
Nick and Madison call Udonna telling them where they are. When Udonna hears that she warps them past the border to the outside of the tree, where Nick and Madison park their motorcycles. Five minutes later Udonna, Chip, and Xander walk out to see the two motorcycles.
"Woah, who does the blue one belong to", asks Chip.
"It's mine Chip, so don't touch it. Nick bought it for me, but come to find out he knows the owners of the motorcycle shop. So he didn't pay a thing for it. That includes this jacket, helmet, gloves, and goggles", says Madison.
"That goes for your boots as well", says Nick.
"True. They are so comfy, I forgot that I had them on", says Madison.
"So have you two eaten anything yet", asks Udonna.
"No Udonna we haven't eaten yet", says Nick.
Madison, Nick, Chip, and Xander follow Udonna into the tree, where Udonna pulls Madison aside.
"What's up Udonna", asks Madison.
"We've got a situation", says Udonna.
"What type of situation", asks Madison.
"Necrolli has joined with an enemy from the future", says Udonna.
"What! how", asks Madison.
"Time travel. I'm sending you to go on a special mission to the year 2029 where Necrolli should be", says Udonna.
"Why me", asks Madison.
"You've proven yourself to be a strong woman, who's not afraid of anything", says Udonna.
"Will I be able to come back", asks Madison.
"I'm afraid not my child. Take your belongings with you. Please keep in touch with me", says Udonna.
"When do I leave", asks Madison.
"First thing tomorrow morning", says Udonna.
"Alright, I'll do it", says Madison sadly. She runs to her room, where she has tears going down her cheeks. She calms down and she begins to pack her stuff up. When Madison finishes, she skips dinner and she heads to bed. While she's sleeping, Madsion's dreaming about her life without Nick. The next morning Madison's up with the sun. Udonna walks into the room with a medium sized brown leather book. Madison smiles and she feels like she has a heavy heart.
"What's this", asks Madison.
"It's a copy of the spell book. I was also able to contact someone last night from the year 2029. They're sending a jet to come and get you", says Udonna.
Madison walks outside with Udonna. Just as they do the jet arrives. Madison puts all of her stuff inside, including her motorcycle and riding accessories.
"This is goodbye Udonna. Tell Nick and the others goodbye for me .I'll call you when I get there", says Madison.
"Goodbye my child", says Udonna.
"Goodbye Udonna. I'll miss all of you including Nick", says Madison.

Madison boards the jet and she sees the SPD logo. She sits down in a seat and she straps herself in. She has tears in her eyes as the jet takes off. When the jet lands at the SPD Headquarters, Commander Anubis Cruger, Doctor Kat Manks, Skyler "Sky" Tate, Z Delgado, Sydney "Syd" Drew, and Bridge Carson are waiting. Madison steps out in her blue Mystic Force outfit. When Sky sees Madison, his mouth begins to drool up. Sydney sees it so she taps Z on the shoulder and they almost start to laugh their heads off. About two minutes later they start laughing their heads off.   "What's so funny Cadets Drew and Delgado", asks Commander Cruger with a growl. 
"It's the way Sky's looking at the newest cadet", says Bridge. 
Commander Cruger sees Sky with a love sick puppy dog face. Z and Sydney stop laughing ten minutes later.
"Are you Commander Anubis Cruger", asks Madison with a tear drenched face.
"Yes I am. You must be Madison Rocca. The blue Mystic Force ranger", says Commander Cruger.
"Madison, are you okay", asks Kat.
"No, but I don't want to talk about it right now. Let me get my stuff unloaded and then we can probably talk", says Madison.
"Cadets Drew, Carson, Delgado, and Tate, help Madison move her stuff out of the shuttle", says Commander Cruger.
"Yes sir", says Z, Sydney, Bridge, and Sky as they do the SPD salute with their right arms.  
(The SPD salute is when the right arm is put up at chest height in the center. You then stand at attention and you salute moving your arm from the center to the right. It's almost like you're moving it from a 90 degree angle to an 180 degree angle.)
When Z, Sydney, Bridge, and Sky put Madison's stuff into a private room, Madison takes her motorcycle out of the shuttle. When Kat sees Madison's tear drenched face, she walks over to Madiosn and she helps her move Madison's motorcycle inside of the B-Squad's private garage area. When Kat and  Madison finish, Madison starts crying even worse.
"Madison, are you sure that you're okay", asks Kat with a soft calming voice.
"No, I'm not okay", says Madison.
Madison goes into Kat's arms and Kat feels Madison's tears on her shoulder.
Z walks outside to see Kat sitting down with Madison.
"Is she okay Kat", asks Z.
"I'm not sure Z. Tell Doctor Felix that he might want to have a gurney brought out here. Madison probably doesn't even have the strenght to walk", says Kat softly.
"I'm on it. Kat, I'll be back", says Z in a worried tone.
Z runs inside, where she gets Sydney, Bridge, and Sky to help her out with carrying an orange transport gurney outside. Z grabs a neck brace and a few pieces of soft cloth as a tissue for Madison. They run outside to see Kat still holding Madison.
"We're here Kat", says Z softly.
"Good, she went unconscious about two minutes ago", says Kat.
 Sky, Bridge, and Kat place Madison on the orange gurney and Z places the neck brace on Madison's neck, just in case. As soon as they are finished, Kat places the black velcro straps across Madison's body. She then fastens them into place.
"Alright, let's get her to the infirmary immediately", says Z.
"But do it carefully", says Sydney.
"That's right. We don't want to injure her", says Kat.
As the five of them lift the gurney, they carry it inside where people move out of their way as they are pacing down the corridors to the infirmary, where Doctor Felix sees them.
"Doctor Felix. We've got Madison here, but she's unconscious", says Kat.
"Get her onto a bed. Also take the neck brace off and take her off of the gurney", says Doctor Felix.
Sky undo's the straps and Z, Sydney, and Bridge gently place Madison onto an empty bed. Z finally takes the neck brace off of Madison's neck.
Commander Cruger hears a lot of commotion going on outside of the command center.
"Cadets, what is going on out here", asks Commander Cruger with a growl.
"The B-Squad came through here with Doctor Kat Manks. They had an unconscious girl on an orange gurney. They were heading to the infirmary", says one of the cadets whose name is Mikayla Blankernship.
"Thank you Cadet Blankernship", says Commander Cruger.
"You're welcome Commander Cruger", says Cadet Blankernship. 

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