Chapter 2

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I watched the show on the backstage monitors googling names as they appeared so I could at least familiarize myself with the wrestlers. Towards the end of the show the tall man went out to the ring and I finally learned his name was Roman Reigns.  I was reading his bio when I felt the empty side of the couch sink a bit and glanced up from my reading to see him sitting right beside me. He was smirking as he took my Ipad from my hand . "You googled me?" I was blushing and offered a meek smile back. "I'm googling everyone.. I have no idea what I am doing here.. I.. maybe taking this job was not a very good idea" He handed me back my Ipad and looked at me with a puzzled expression and shrugged. "Why was taking this job a bad idea? So wrestling is not your thing. You are not here to wrestle. I assume you know your shit when it comes to sports injuries, right?" I nodded and he continued. "Then just do your job you were hired to do and you will be just fine Doc." His smile was so damn perfect and do not even get me started on his eyes. and his....Reagan what the hell are you doing... He is an employee, a wrestler here. Some day he might be your patient. You can not let yourself think of him that way.

"Doc" his voice pulled me away from the lecture I had going on inside my own head.  "HUH" was all I could manage to get out. "I said catering has the food out now. Everyone grabs a bite to eat after the show then we hit the bar to have a couple of drinks.. The after party. Remember I told you about it before" He was still smirking at me and I tried to gather my senses enough to string a few intelligent words together. " Look, I appreciate the invitation but I am really tired. It has been a crazy first day and ..." He cut me off mid sentence. "it wasn't an invitation Doc. Its a given ,the whole staff goes to the after parties" Boy did I feel stupid then. Assuming that he was asking me to go with him.


What a complete ass I just made of myself. She is politely brushing me off about going to the party with me so I get all defensive and tell her I wasn't asking her. She must think I am such an idiot.

I meet up with a couple of the guys in catering and try to forget the huge fool I made of myself a few minutes earlier. I was going to have a couple of beers, blow off some steam with my friends and forget all about Doc. "So the new doc is pretty hot huh.. Did you check out her rack? Dean says its real but I say store bought all the way" I choked briefly on my beer and turned around to see Seth and Dean standing there, both already a few beers into the festivities. "Damn Seth show some respect..." is the first thing out of my mouth and immediately I regret my words. "uh oh looks like someone has a soft spot for the new Doc." The guys are both teasing me at this point and I am wasting my breath even trying to protest. "Guys, I just met her today... just like you did. Its just I don't think its professional to be talking about her.. her..." I stumble for the words and Dean has no problem helping me out "tits? Really Reigns.. we talk about tits all the time" He was right. We sadly enough did talk about that sort of stuff all of the time. But this time.. I didn't feel right about doing it. "Boy Reigns, you've got it bad for this one. Maybe with any luck you will pull your groin muscle tomorrow and she can help you out" The guys are both laughing hysterically at this point and I am irritated because this crap always spews out of his mouth right after I take a swig of my beer. "Jesus Rollins, do you have to be so damn crude?"


"Looks like somebody has the hots for Roman Reigns" I hear Nikki whisper in my ear as she walks up and slips a beer into my hand. I try to protest but I realize the rosy red blush on my face just gave me a way. "Honey don't worry about it. He's freaking hot. If I didn't have a man I'd be all over that myself" "Am I being that obvious?" I ask her as I take a sip from the bottle and try to find somewhere to focus my eyes other than on Roman. "Honey Stevie Wonder could see that you want that man." I giggle a little and make an attempt to change the subject. "I do have a question about him" I ask her..ok so I didn't completely change the subject. I just altered the direction of the conversation a bit. "I don't know how big it is. I have never actually seen it.. but judging from those hands and those feet.." "Nikki eeeww God no. I was not going to ask you that. I was going to ask you why he looks so friendly with that guy over there. I thought they were enemies" Nikki was smirking at me now. These people certainly did a lot of smirking. "Doc, you have got to separate the story lines from real life. We are all playing roles.. Just because we don't get along with someone on screen does not mean they aren't one of our closest friends off screen. Joe and Cody, or Roman and Seth as they are better known in WWE life have been best friends for years. It was just best for the story line to have Seth go heel" She must have seen the confused look on my face. " A heel is a bad guy and a face is a good guy. Seth is a heel and Roman and Dean are faces" I nodded. "what about you and your sister?""Right now I am a heel and Brie is a face. But that could be changing soon." I nodded. "Dolph?" "Face" she replied. "Nattie?" "Face" I continued rattling off names and finally I reached the end of my list. "OK I think I've got it now. Thanks." Nikki nodded, gave me a hug and went to find Jon... her boyfriend who happened to be one of the head faces in the company. I took a big drink of my beer proud of how much I had learned in my first day.

Healing : A Roman Reigns Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now