chapter 8

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Romans POV

When Doc took my hand and led me to her room I had a million different emotions stirring inside my head. Of course I wanted it to happen. I had wanted it to happen the minute I laid eyes on her that very first day. But things had progressed so far past the primal desire for her body. I had gotten to know her as a person, a fragile, gentle beautiful person who had stolen my heart. I asked her if she was sure and she responded by slowly unbuttoning her blouse. It was almost too much to take. Seeing her beauty, knowing her desire was directed towards me. Knowing that she had suffered so much pain, so much hurt at the hands of people who claimed to love her. I wanted her to experience it now.. real, genuine love. I wanted to be the one to give that to her.

We made love all through the night and let exhaustion finally claim us before the sun came up. We only rested a short while though before we woke up tangled up in bed sheets and bodies. "wait, don't move" she teased as she rolled to the side of the bed and grabbed her phone off the nightstand. "what are you doing Doc?" "I want to see how quickly a pic of Roman Reigns with bed head will go viral." I laughed and tossed her phone across the room tackling her back down against the bed. We were quickly interrupted. "let it ring" I whispered as I began kissing her harder hoping to distract her. "I can't. Its my work issued cell. " she jumped up fast to dig through the pile of clothes we left on the floor trying to find the phone. "hello...Nikki calm down. what's wrong... no I am supposed to be in later. Mike is covering rehearsals. OH I see.. ok I'll be right there. "She hung up the phone, shot me an apologetic glance and started heading towards her closet. "Doc you have got to be kidding me. I thought we had the morning together." She responded that she had thought so too but Cena hurt his ankle and really needed medical attention. "I thought Mike was on call this morning. " I protested. Things had just started heating up. "I thought so too but his wife went into labor this morning. He is at the hospital. " I groaned and got out of bed. If there was going to be no workout in Docs bed, I may as well go in with her and work out in the gym. I had to release this tension somehow. The drive over I was quiet. Doc had gotten dressed in such a hurry that we didn't really even speak. We just jumped in the car and made our way to the headquarters. "I'm sorry" she said softly as she patted my knee while I was driving. I wasn't mad at her and I never for a second wanted her to think I could be. "Its not your faulty baby. Its your job. I just wish Cena wasn't such a big baby. Cant he just man up and put some ice on it?" I was joking... well kinda. "I think he may need an xray. Nikki said he was really swollen" I moved her hand teasingly over to my crotch and told her that Cena wasn't the only one. She laughed and her face turned bright red. Once we got into the building we found Cena in a training room and Doc went to work and Colby found me. "Hey man I kept calling you last night. It was going straight to voicemail. " "Sorry. I was a little busy last night." I tried to keep a straight face but the smirk just would not be denied. "Holy shit, you and Doc finally did the deed. Its about damn time." "Keep it down" I whispered to him as she returned from xray with Cena. "We haven't really had a chance to talk about it yet this morning. I'm not sure if Doc wants anyone to know yet" She had taken off the coat she had worn over and Colby grinned when he looked at her. " I don't really think she is too worried about people knowing" he teased. then I saw what Doc was wearing and understood what he meant. I couldn't help but laugh as she winked at me knowing I got the joke. She had always told me she was going to buy some of my merchandise so she could be a fan girl at the shows. I guess she actually did. "I got speared by Roman Reigns"

"Nice T shirt Doc" Colby teased as we passed her on the way to the gym.

"Thanks Rollins" she smiled.

Reagans POV.

The night had been amazing. It was better than even my wildest dreams had imagined. Joe was a slow and gentle lover, and then every once and a while Roman would surface, the soft gentle growl, the pant in my ear as his body thrust against mine. It was like making love with two different men at the same time. And I was falling so hard for both of them. Round 2 was just about to get underway when duty called. I knew he was not really happy about having to push the pause button and neither was I. Roman had just gotten a big push and was involved in the championship storyline. That meant more work for him, more appearances, more promos and less time off. Things were going to be very hectic in the upcoming months. Cena's ankle was pretty bad so I took him down to have some xrays done. Nikki and I were standing outside waiting when she kept staring at me with a grin. "What?" I asked her defensively ."somebody got lucky last night" she said in her silly little Nikki Bella sing song voice. "what are you talking about?" I tried to protest but she knew me too well. "So sister dish... how was it?" "I am not having this conversation with you.. My sex life is private.. My very amazing, very private sex life." We started laughing like school girls when the merchandise cart came by. "OOh look these, Nikki said as she picked up the new pink Bella twins shorts and tanks. Then she started laughing hysterically. "Look at this" she laughed shoving a t shirt in my face. "Oh my god" I laughed back. I had to have that shirt. I was hesitant for a moment, not knowing if Joe would be ok with anyone finding out."what if he doesn't want anyone to know?" I asked Nikki. "are you kidding me Doc. the whole company already knows. There is even a pool about when you two were finally going to get it on. Thanks to you finally doing it I just won 50 bucks. The shirt is my treat" We went back to the room as I slipped on my shirt hoping Joe would get as big a kick out of it as I did.

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