chapter 7

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When Roman whispered in my ear that he liked my tattoo, it sent shivers through my body. The tattoo was symbolic of all I had experienced throughout my lifetime. It was a small delicate flower in full bloom and it was tucked away on my inner right thigh. No one would ever know it was there except those that knew me in the most intimate of ways..

I snapped out of my trance. Roman didn't exactly fit that category yet but I knew more and more everyday that I wanted him to. I went through the rest of my day on auto pilot, my mind unable to focus on anything except the night I had coming up with him.The time finally passed and my doorbell was ringing. Since I spent so much time at WWE main headquarters I took a small apartment nearby so that I would have something resembling a home to look forward to when I was in town. I opened the door and he was standing there looking sexier than I had ever seen him. His hair was pulled up in a man bun and he was wearing a sweatshirt and baggy sweats. I know that does not sound particularly special or sexy, but on him, it completely worked. His smile could melt the coldest of snow storms and it certainly melted my heart every time. He sat down on my couch with an assortment of takeout menus he had brought with him and took the remote and began channel hopping. He looked so at home and comfortable and it made me realize just how close Roman and I had gotten over the past few months.

"What are you doing way over there Doc" he teased as he patted the space beside him on the sofa. "I don't bite" he continued as I nuzzled in beside him. "at least not before dinner". As I finally got all snuggled in and he pulled my hair back and placed a gentle kiss on the side of my neck "hi" he chuckled lightly as he felt my body react ever so slightly to the tickle of his stubble against my skin. "Hi " I responded back and slowly turned myself so that we were face to face and eye to eye. Our mouths met slowly and timidly as we allowed ourselves to savor the moment of our first real kiss. When we were both desperate for air we reluctantly broke the kiss and returned to our positions. "you have no idea how much I missed you today. I was absolutely useless as work today Doc. I was practicing with Colby and I accidentally dropped him on his head" I couldn't help but laugh, its not like it was going to hurt anything anyway. Roman chuckled and we got down to the daunting task of choosing dinner for the night. We made small talk while we waited for our food and continued chatting all through dinner. He was the easiest person in the world to talk to. "so how long were you engaged to the douchebag?" " 3 years" My parents had just died and I met him when I was vulnerable. Looking back I'm not sure if I ever really loved him . I needed him and grief and dependency can play tricks on someone sometimes. I know that losing him hurt me but I don't really know now if it was truly the loss of him or if it was the fact that the breakup made me deal with the ugly truths surrounding my parents death, the realization that I was exactly like my mother, and the cold hard fact that I was truly alone in the world.

We kept talking for hours, with me opening up to him about the breakup, my depression, my suicide attempt , and almost every dirty secret in my closet. I could not believe how understanding he was as he held my hand when I needed it held and wiped my tears when they needed to be wiped. Telling a man you were falling for one of the most horrible things about yourself is a frightening thing, but he took all of the fear out of it. "I have rambled on long enough. Now I want to know about you. Tell me everything"

He smiled, sat back and thought for a minute. "Didn't google tell you what you needed to know?" "About Roman Reigns perhaps, but I am more interested in Joe right now." he smiled again and thought some more before he started talking about his family, his friends, how he met Jon and Colby and his ex fiancé who it turned out wasn't the most faithful either. I do not know what came over me then, but my mouth just opened and out burst the most ridiculous words I could have uttered in that moment. "How many women have you slept with?"

"Doc?" he protested with what closely resembled a blush forming on his perfectly dark complexion. "seriously Roman I want to know"

"Doc I don't know. I never counted. But if this is about Summers hotel key bullshit I will be honest. That does happen. Women leave hotel keys but never once... never once have I gone up to one of those women's room and had sex with her. It might make a great fantasy but in reality that is just way too dangerous. And stupid. With my luck it would be a writer for TMZ or something. " I was relieved about that part of his answer but he still hadn't told me what I wanted to know. My ex had been the only man I had ever slept with and I was hoping Joe was going to be my next lover. But the insecurities crept in and I worried that I would never be able to please him. "More or less than 50?"

"Good God Doc I am not a manwhore. I have been in one serious relationship and honestly there have been a few... as in 5 or so one night stands.. but that's it. Nothing recently" He must have read the expression on my face as he leaned in and kissed me. " Nothing since I met you" By now he was on top of me and we were kissing each other with all of the passion and desire we both had pent up for so long. I took his hand and lead him from my sofa to my bedroom. "well maybe we can do something about that tonight."

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