chapter 20

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Reagan's POV

All week I had felt like I was dangling by a thread, a very thin and very frayed thread. I saw the Dr. and learned that my levels were still dropping. The extra antidepressant he had prescribed did not appear to be helping as he had hoped so he had to adjust my medications yet again. I had been missing Joe like mad and going stir crazy being locked in that apartment day in and day out except for days I had Dr.appointments. When Colby invited me to meet him at headquarters after his training so he could buy me lunch I jumped at the chance to get out of the house. It felt good to be back in a familiar setting at least for the first couple of minutes."Hey Doc I need your help wrapping my ankle. I can never get this damn bandage tight enough" . I heard a familiar voice behind me and turned around to see Summer standing there. I walked toward her. "Hey Reagan I didn't expect to see you here. How are you feeling?" Just then a tall slender man reached her and escorted her to a training room. "good to see you again" she called out to me as she disappeared.

"so I see you met the new Doc" Colby said as he snuck up behind me. He gave me a friendly hug and I guess could see my reaction to coming face to face with my replacement had not been the best. "Don't worry . You are much hotter" He teased and we left to grab some lunch. I wondered why Joe hadn't mentioned that they had already hired a new trainer. What did he think I would do, freak out?"

"Doc please calm down. you are freaking out" A couple of hours had passed and Colby and I were back in the apartment. We were just chatting casually about things and then I started grilling him.

"when did they hire him?"

"a couple of weeks ago" A couple of weeks ago and neither my roommate, my best friend or my husband had mentioned a word about it. "Has Joe met him yet?"

"Yeah. of course. He iced his shoulder for him last week when he hurt it during workouts."

"so what you are telling me is that not only did my husband injure himself and not tell me about it, he let another trainer treat the injury. "

"well that is the guys job after all.. and it was just a little pull. he probably didn't want to bother you about it."

"Then why bother me at all? Maybe he should start getting sex from one of the divas so he doesn't have to bother me about that either."

"I really don't think that's the same situation Doc"

"Don't call me that. That is not my name. My name is Reagan. I am not a fucking Dr. I have been trying to tell all of you that since I met you. I am not a Dr. but you insisted on calling me that stupid name. but I guess it doesn't matter because you have a new Doc now. I'm glad to see you can all replace me so fucking fast. I ran into the bedroom and slammed the door behind me. I was in the floor sobbing when Colby came in. He sat down beside me and I collapsed into him. he held me as I cried. "what is happening to me? I don't understand why this is happening to me again. I have been trying so hard"

"I know you have sweetie. Its all going to be ok."

I sobbed a while longer and Colby held me and finally I managed to calm down. I begged him not to tell Joe about my meltdown and reluctantly he agreed. He wasn't going to say anything unless it happened again. I just had to keep myself under control for 7 weeks and then Joe would be home for good.

Joe arrived later that night and it felt so good to see him again. I was nervous all through dinner though that Colby would open his mouth about before. I came out of the kitchen and they were huddled in the corner.

"How am I going to break this to Doc?"

Healing : A Roman Reigns Fan FictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя