Chapter 5

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He stood there for a minute just staring at me. I had so many things I wanted to say but my mouth would not open. Finally I mustered the nerve to speak. "Roman," he cut me off not letting me get a single word in. " we are late for work. I'm riding in with Dean. Here are the keys to my rental... Assuming you are OK to drive now. " I nodded and he continued avoiding eye contact at all costs. "There isn't time to get your stuff from your hotel but I had the laundry service here wash your clothes. Don't be late. Stephanie hates that." 

I followed Romans orders and made it to work just in time. I sat through some meetings, looked at a few xrays and changed some bandages. Finally I found Nikki. " looks like someone got lucky last night" I spun around to look at her frantic to find out if she could shed some light on what had happened to me last night. "Nikki what did you hear?" She looked puzzled. "Just that you got pretty wasted last night and went back to Romans hotel with him and are wearing the same clothes you wore yesterday. " Thank god. Roman. Not Seth. I left with Roman. If I had sex at all it must have been with Roman. Then why is he so pissed off? I sat down with Nikki and told her the entire horrible story. She just looked at me with amazement. "So you got drunk and threw yourself at Roman and when that didn't work you threw yourself at Seth and you did all of this because Summer told you to?" I nodded. " why the hell are you taking relationship advice from a whore?"  "Nikki what am I going to do? I have to find out what happened last night. How?" Nikki shrugged and thought for a second.."like it or not Doc the only way you will know for sure is to ask Roman" Just then I heard a husky voice behind us. " Ask Roman what?

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