chapter 28

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Roman's pov

"Nikki, what the hell happened?" I screamed out as I ran into the hospital "where is she?"

"The Dr. is in with her. I don't know it happened so fast. We were talking, she said she had a headache. I went to get her some water and when I got back she was in the floor. I couldn't get her to wake up"

I paced up and down the hallway for what seemed like eternity until finally the Dr. came out to see me.

"I'm afraid your wife's blood pressure spiked to a dangerously high level. She blacked out. We have her sedated and medicated right now but any more climbs could be fatal. "

"And the baby?"

"At the moment the baby is stable. But your wife's condition will begin to cause distress to the baby. Ideally the best way for us to treat this would be by delivering your son now."

"It's too soon"


"so if you deliver him he will die?"

"Your wife is far enough along that it could be a viable delivery. Your son would have a chance to survive, but he would certainly face difficulties. We are going to start medications that can aid in his lung development so that in the event that emergency delivery becomes our only shot, he will have better odds."

"If you don't deliver him now though, what happens to Reagan?"

"we are going to do our best to keep her blood pressure regulated but..."

"My wife could die?"

No one would look me in the eye and tell me anything definite. Reagan was not awake and the Dr.'s were planning to keep her that way for as long as they possibly could and my son was being medicated so that if his mother couldn't hang on any longer he possibly could. They were all I ever wanted in the world and now I stood to lose them both.

I sat in that hospital for days on end and finally Nikki and Colby ganged up on me and insisted I go home and rest. Reagan's blood pressure was regulated but they still had her medicated. Not being able to talk to her was killing me. Noah was stable too, and they game him the steroid doses on schedule every day just in case things took a turn for the worse.

I walked into the door of our house and reality set in. I could actually lose my wife. It was just the other day that one of the nurses at the hospital told me she was a huge fan and that she had actually watched Reagan and I on TV. She commented about how in love we looked and how it was obvious we belonged together.

She was right. We did belong together. I sat down on the sofa and thought about how much she had impacted my life in the short time she had been apart of it.

It had been her third day on the job and I was standing in the medical room with swollen knuckles and a bruised ego. Blood had covered my hand.

"How did this happen?"

"I punched the wall"

"why on earth would you do something like that?" she asked as she went to work cleaning my wounds. Every so often I would wince from the pain.

"I thought you were a tough guy" she remarked with a smirk. Even back then she enjoyed busting my chops. Its one of the things that instantly attracted me to her. She never bought into the hype of Roman Reigns.

"I got pissed off. I just found out this morning that I'm not winning the belt tonight. They have changed their minds about giving me the title yet again"

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