chapter 27

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I woke up to use the restroom during the night, and my head was spinning. I was very slow getting out of bed taking care not to lose my balance or wake up my husband. He was certain to ask me if everything was alright and I was never able to lie to him. The truth was that the headaches had been coming more frequently the last couple of days and worry was starting to set in. Not particularly about the headaches, or any one thing in general. I was just worried. Out of the blue things would come to me, things that needed to be done before the baby arrived. And I would be overcome with a sense of urgency that would not subside until the task had been completed.

"Joe, wake up, Joe" I shook him gently until he stirred and looked at me through sleepy eyes." Rea baby what's wrong?"

"we need to name the baby." He was confused "Is the baby coming now?" "No. of course not, I just really want to name him now."

"Reagan its 3 am" Even when I woke him in the dead of night from a deep sleep for no real reason he was patient. I'll never know how I deserved that man. He turned on the light and squinted until he was able to focus in the brightness. He sat up a little and snuggled closer to me when I laid back down beside him. "Do you have a certain name on your mind?" he asked and truthfully no I didn't. "I want to name him after you." I said casually as I watched a small smile start to overtake his lips. "That's really sweet baby but I've told you before I am just not a big fan of second and third generation names. I feel that every person needs his own identity. And naming your kid Jr, just screams pick on me on the playground.

"Our son is going to be the son of a 6ft 3 , 235 lb Samoan. I don't see him being too much of a target for playground bullying. "

"Ok Rea I'll tell you what. How about we make Joseph his middle name?" I was agreeable to that.

"And I think he needs a part of you in his name too. I'm sorry I never got to meet your dad. Would you like to name the baby after your father? "

"I was never really close to my dad. He had his hands full with my mom. And I always felt like he saw me as just another burden in his already overburdened life. They sent me to stay with my grandparents more often than not so they didn't have to deal with me. Next to you my grandfather was the finest man I ever met. But he died when I was 7 and grandma died shortly after."

"what was your grandfathers name? We should name him after your grandfather"

He never ceased to amaze me. But even in the most touching of moments I could never resist the urge to mess with him.

"My grandfathers name was Edgar" And then I watched as his smile tried its best not to fade as he contemplated what he had just agreed to.

"I am just kidding" I had to let him off the hook. The sigh of relief he let out was enough to make me laugh. "That was horrible Rea. How could you do that to me? He was still laughing. "my grandfather's name was Noah" And after that announcement I watched him consider my words and then he bent down to my stomach and whispered. "hello in there little Noah Joseph. This is your daddy"

The baby kicked a little and Joe smiled. "I think he approves. so that's settled then?" I nodded my head and kissed him. "thank you"

He kissed me back. "I'm sorry that I woke you up" I whispered as I laced kissed across his jawline and down his neck. "But as long as we are up..."

"Oh I am up Rea. I am definitely up..."

After we made love I watched Joe as he slept. He was so beautiful, so peaceful and so strong, even when he was the most vulnerable. I could only hope to have my son grow to be just like his father.I had considered going back to sleep but I was so restless. I went into the living room and sat down on the sofa, my stationary set in hand. My headache was at its peak now and I had to make sure I told him everything I needed him to know while I still could.

"My dearest Joe......."

Romans pov

"I don't like leaving you home alone Rea. you know how much I worry." She hadn't been sleeping lately. She tried to convince me that everything was fine but this nagging feeling wouldn't escape me. When Stephanie called and begged me to show up at the last minute for a local house show my first instinct was to say no. Reagan insisted however, She said she was just going to lay down and try to catch up on her sleep. When I still wasn't convinced she agreed to have Nikki come over and sit with her while I was gone. Nikki had just gotten back into town and the two of them had catching up to do anyway. I went to the show but I never made it to the ring.

"Yeah hey Nikki what's up?"

"Joe you need to get to the hospital right away. She wont wake up Joe"

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