chapter 3

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A few weeks passed and I was settling in to my job. I was very very wrong about it being just a job and must have been crazy to think I would not be associating with any of the wrestlers outside of work. There was really no such thing as outside of work. Busses to and from events, hotels, shared rental cars. I saw the wrestlers practically 24 hours a day and I actually did not mind a bit. They had become very good friends to me. Nikki was one of my closest friends. And then of course there was Roman. We were talking a lot, and texting a lot. We never made it out of the friend zone though. I was not complaining mind you, I mean friends was really all I was equipped to handle anyway. But it doesn't mean a girl can't dream does it? One night it was business as usual when Roman texted me. It was anything but one of our usual texts. "Doc, meet me out back. Come alone. RO"  Ok I admit, that text got my mind to wandering. What could Mr. sexy pants possibly want with me out back, late at night, alone? My body began to shudder at the mere thought.  "Doc thank God you are here..Over here quick" He grabbed my arm and shuttled me over to a large vehicle and in the back seat I found none other than Seth with his head bashed in. Definitely not what I was expecting, or fantasizing about. And I must admit, the fact that I let myself fantasize at all and was so wrong pissed me off. "What the hell happened to you?" I addressed Seth. "I didn't think you had a match tonight" Dean was also there and he snickered. Roman was snickering too."what is so funny? Is someone going to tell me how he got this gash on his head? Its going to take about 20 stitches." "damn cuz she tore you up" Roman exclaimed and finally he settled down and looked at me. "Seths fiancé found naked pictures of another chick in his phone and busted his head open with a beer bottle.."  Then Dean finished the story..."after she put pictures of Seth's naked junk all over the internet" The two of them were uncontrollable. I was past my boiling point by now. "I'm glad you two clowns think infidelity and domestic violence are such laughing matters. Just so you know I am on the payroll to take care of sports related injuries, not to be at your beck and call for this sort of bullshit."

"whoa Doc, take it easy. we just needed your help. If Vince finds out about this Seth could get into trouble..It violates the conduct codes." Roman had never seen me angry before. I could tell by his tone it surprised him. "well maybe Seth should have thought about that before he cheated on his fiance'. " I snapped again. I turned around to leave and Roman momentarily reached out to stop me but obviously changed his mind about grabbing my arm. "I'm going to get my suture kit and some stuff to clean that wound. I will help you this time and this time only. " Roman nodded. "I'll walk you back in to get supplies" . "No. I am fine on my own." I rushed past him and went to get my medical supplies.


"What the hell has gotten into her?" I heard Seth ask. I truly had no answer for him. I had never seen Doc act like that before. "What hasn't gotten into her may be more like it. Come on Reigns, just slip it to her so she won't be such a bitch." "Seth why don't you just shut the hell up" I snapped. "Touchy are we? maybe the Docs not the only one a little sexually frustrated..." "Seth I am warning you keep your damn mouth shut" Just then she returned and walked right past me without so much as a glance.She went straight to work on Seth's head and when she was done she packed her stuff up and left as quickly as she came. I followed after her. "Hey, Doc wait up" I wasn't sure if she would actually stop but she did. She looked annoyed as hell but as least she stopped. "what?" she snapped. I thought for a second about how I wanted to play this. But I've never really been a guy to have a filter so it just blurted straight out. "what the hell is wrong with you tonight?" Her eyes did not soften a bit. She just glared up at me and began firing at me again. At least I was semi-prepared this time.  "I do not think that cheating on someone that loves you is acceptable. In fact its shitty, and hurtful and... and I did not think you were the type of person to think it was acceptable either."

"I don't" I responded softly. I really meant that. "I was not laughing because I think what he did is funny, it's just that if you have known Rollins as long as I have then you realize that there is no ridiculous situation he is not capable of getting himself into. I was laughing at him but in hindsight I should not have. I am sorry if I came across as insensitive. " her eyes finally softened. "And I am sorry for overreacting like that. I really am." Finally a smile graced her perfect lips. " "Ok now that that is settled lets go get a beer." 'Roman I really shouldn't. It has been a long day and I am exhausted and.." I took a deep breath and let it out. I finally had to let it out. "Please Doc just one beer. I want to spend time with you tonight." I put my arm around her and slowly leaned in for a kiss. She stopped me dead in my tracks. "Good night Roman. I'll see you tomorrow"  "what's his name Doc?" I called after her. She turned around and shot me a confused look. "who are you talking about?" "The guy that did this to you.. broke your heart.." She started walking again. "goodnight Roman"

Healing : A Roman Reigns Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now