chapter 9

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The next few months were crazy. Joe's title push was in full force. Colby got seriously injured which threw everyone into overdrive trying to come up with plan B. Joe won the title but only kept it for 5 minutes and 15 seconds. He acted like the run around the company was giving him didn't matter to him but I knew him well enough to know he was bothered by the games the company was playing. All of the stress was taking a toll on our personal relationship as well. I mean don't get me wrong. We were more in love than ever and spent every available second together. The trouble was, there were just not many available seconds. Joe and I had planned to finally have some time together in Vegas when we had a few days off after a RAW taping. Vince and Crew however had other ideas. They decided that Colby needed some one on one physical therapy to fast track his return and decided that I needed to be the one to provide it. Joe and I had never really tried much to hide our relationship and I am not sure if that ruffled any front office feathers or not. The next thing I knew I was being informed that I would not be making the trip to Vegas, I was going to stay behind and help Colby rehab. To say that plan angered a certain Samoan would be an understatement.

"Baby I am sorry. you know if I could do anything about this I would."

"would you Reagan?" he asked snidely. First of all, where does he get off taking such a tone with me and second off when the hell has he ever called me Reagan? "of course I would. Don't you think the fact that we haven't spent any time alone together in weeks bothers me as much as it bothers you?"

"If it does you certainly don't show it. And besides, you have Colby to keep you company. you spend more time with him lately than you spend with me. " " I spend time with him because he is injured and it is my job to help him get well. You cannot for one minute think I am doing anything with Colby. He is your best friend for Gods sake. " "he was my best friend when you wrapped yourself all over him like a cheap suit at that party. If I hadn't come back for you that night Reagan you probably would have fucked him." "No. you know that is not true.." "Do I? Do you even know that for sure?"

I had no idea where any of this anger, jealousy or resentment was coming from.Joe had never acted like this before. I was about to attempt defending myself when my work cell rang and as horrible luck would have it, It was Colby. "I have to take this Joe. I will only be a second I promise. " I knew he was about to board a plane and leave and I certainly did not want goodbye to be like that so I excused myself to talk to Colby and rushed him off the phone so I could talk to Joe. But when I got back to the room he was gone.

Romans POV

I had no idea what the hell I had just done. All I knew that was for the past few months the company had been sending me one way and Doc the other way. I had gotten royally screwed over in the ring and was not getting screwed at all out side of the ring. It wasn't just sexual frustration though. I missed her. everything about her. I needed her.

I know, I know, I certainly did not act like anyone who needed her when she came by to tell me goodbye before my flight to Vegas. I was a complete ass. I accused her of having something going on with Colby. I was a Dick.

The flight pretty much sucked except for the fact that we were flying first class and had all the free alcohol we could drink. Jon was sitting beside me and did not seem all that excited about the fact that with Doc absent he had inherited babysitting duties. "you do realize that we are going straight to a meet and greet from the airport right?" It was his subtle way of telling me to stop drinking so much because it would be a crappy idea to show up at a company event trashed. I refrained from drinking for the rest of the flight and tried to call Doc once we landed to apologize for being such an ass.

Reagans POV

"hey, Doc you are a million miles away. Is everything ok?" If Colby's definition of ok was that I broke into hysterical crying the minute he asked the question then I was fine. He managed to calm me down and I told him the whole sordid story. I finally managed to compose myself and excused myself long enough to go to the ladies room and fix my makeup. When I came back in he looked odd.

"Doc I think I just made everything worse" I asked him how that was even possible and he informed me that he answered my phone while I was gone and of course it was a half drunk Joe who got all wound up again the second he heard Colby's voice answer my phone. This was an absolute disaster.

Romans POV

The minute I heard his voice on the other end of her phone, the anger came rushing back to me. Colby was there with her. Colby was training to make his way back to the ring so they could fast track him back into the title picture. They had been dangling that damned title in front of my face for months and I had no doubt whatever time I got with it would come to a blazing halt as soon as he made it back to the ring. And to make it all that much more ironic, Doc, the woman I loved was helping him do it.I decided not to heed Jons advice anymore after hanging up on Colby and helped myself to a couple more drinks in the airport lounge before we hit the meet and greet. After what seemed like an eternity we were finally heading to the hotel. It was well into the night and all I really wanted to do was get some sleep. Then it happened.

I checked into the hotel, and the clerk at the front desk had an envelope for me. it smelled like perfume and inside was a key and a note. This had happened many, many times before but I had never taken a woman up on her offer. There is however, a first time for everything.

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