Finding Oliver

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In truth I was scared to find him. I am strong I can do this. I sat in the chair while Carisi and Fin brought Oliver into the interrogation room.
"So Oliver, why do you think  you're here?" Carisi asked
"I don't know because of my stupid brother?"
"Guess again, now think back to two weeks ago!" Fin said as he banged the table
"Oh when I had fun with the little blonde bitch"
"I think you mean the detective you RAPED!" Carisi corrected
"Okay so how am I supposed to know whe was a detective?"
"That's not the problem Oliver, the problem is what you did to her"
"That was the best sex that I have ever had" Oliver
"You call that sex?, not rape?"
"All I'm gonna say is is that bitch got what she deserved and now she gets to bring my baby into the world!"
"How do you know?"
"Cause I do"
I put my hand to my baby bump and started to hyperventilate
"Rollins you okay?" Liv asked
"I...can't....breathe" I said starting to cry
I put my hand on my chest and cried. Olivia ran over and rubbed my back to calm me down. I was also shaking now.
"Breathe Rollins Breathe" Liv soothed

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