The Deal

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Time skip to Saturday
Sqaishey POV:
Stampy asked me if I could be a minecraft helper. WOULD I EVER?!

Stampy POV:
I asked Sqaishey if she would like to be a minecraft helper. She was so excited. It was so adorable! We recorded the video wiggly worm.

Sqaishey POV:
We recorded the video. IT WAS EPIC! I didn't talk in this one, but it was a lovely world episode and I was in it! I mean, a freakin lovely world episode! Lee logged off but me and Stampy started to play in the mini games. Then I made a deal with him. I ran to the castle crumble game and told him, "Since we haven't met yet, if I win, I stay at your place for a month, but if you win, you stay at my place for a month?! I live in my parents house but they both died in a car accident, so I live by myself!" I really hoped he accepted the deal. I really want to stay with the one I love.

Stampy POV:
Once we recorded the video, Lee left immediately so I thought I should ask her out. But she told me a deal, a deal that would live with me. She explained it, and I replied, "That's jolly good! But I need to warn you, I share an apartment with squid, but most of the time he isn't there, he's with Nicole so you don't really need to worry about it too much." We played, and she won! She would be staying at my apartment. The one I love with all my heart will be at my apartment.

Sqaishey POV:
We played the game, and I won. I would be staying at Stampy's apartment! I told him, "Alright! I guess I'm staying at your place!" He replied with, "Yea, well, I do love you TUBE!" That was strange, he said I love YouTube randomly! So I said, "I love YouTube also! Well, I need to pack and get tickets for a train, so I'll see you in 3 days? Text me your address! Bye!" I was excited. Then I went offline to look for train tickets.

Stampy POV:

She told me how she had won, and how she would be at my place. I said I love you to her. But I just said YouTube instead. She logged off telling me she'll see me in 3 days because of tickets and that she needed to pack. I had to tidy up the place. The I texted her, my address is 1234 Portsmouth Ave." She replied almost immediately with, "Kk, so excited!" Then I of course had to reply with, "I'm excited too! See you in 3 days!" She again replied immediately saying, "See you in 3 days!" Who knows, maybe we will go on a date when she comes over. I'll ask her out for sure. After all, Netty did tell me how Sqaishey told her before I called that she loved me, so that means we love each other!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's thanksgiving as I'm writing this and everyone is singing with a karaoke machine. But back to the point, read next chapter to see Sqaishey go to Stampy's apartment and if they will finally confess their love for each other. Keep shipping Sqampy! Bye!💟

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