Erick Again!

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Hello! It's Faith! I've been wondering if after all these years you liked me. Writing, her stories! So hello from the other side! I told Noemi to let me write a thousand times. To tell you, I'm, writing smut in this chapter

Sqaishey POV:
I was just going out for a walk. Then I felt something. Something covered my eyes. I couldn't see who it was. Then I heard,

"Hello love. Why haven't your breast grown."

And with that I knew exactly who it was....

It was Erick.....

He was always sexual. He never really loved me. All he loved was my body. And I made the mistake of loving him.... But that's in the past. Wait,


I was being carried to the car. Why didn't I bring Stampy with me?! He could protect me.

Time Skip A Bit

Erick then said,
"So, Beth. Is it true you have a child-friendly YouTube?" I hesitated to answer. But then I realized if I didn't answer the truth, he would hurt me. So I said,

"Yes, yes I do. Um, why?" He chuckled and said.

"I've seen you playing that children game. Minecrap. So, is that Stampyfat your boyfriend?" How dare he call Minecraft crap! Or Stampy fat! Stampy is so skinny, it might even be unhealthy. So I answer with,

"It's Minecraft! And his name is Stampy cat. Why do you want to know?" It's true. Why did he want to know who my boyfriend is, or if I have a YouTube channel? He said,

"Well, my sister told me. She's at her friend's house. Actually, multiple friends. There all YouTubers. And she has 800,000 subscribers. While you have 700,000 shitscribers." Why is he calling my subscribers shit?! They are no where NEAR shit! Wait, who is this 'sister' of his?

"Who is this sister of yours. And why is she telling you this stuff? How old is she? 10? 11?" Wait, how can a 10/11 year old have 800,000 subscribers?

"You will see my sister at the house. Calm down, love." Ew, he called me love.

"Tell me who this sister is now."

"Actually Beth. It's 2 sisters. And you happen to know them both very well. You'll see." Who of all my friends are sister's to Erick? If it was their brother, I wouldn't date him, even if it was Harry Styles.

Time Skip To At House

As he carries me into the house, he ties me up to a chair, in a bedroom. Shit about to get down. Erick then said,

"Do you really want to know who my sister is?" Stupid.

"Yes, of course. And, why are we in a bedroom?" I asked. That was a stupid question. I knew why we were in here. I was just scared of the truth.

"Okay dear. You'll see why we're in a bedroom. But for now, Amy, Melanie, come here please!" Erick said. Those names, wait. No. Fucking. Way.

Two girls come out. Sure enough, I see Amy Lee and Melanie come out. I was right, shit about to get down. Then, Amy said,

"Just you wait little ducky. After this, Stampy will never want to talk to you ever again." She was probably right... Then, Mel said,

"This is why Stampy should've stayed with me. Not you." She's right. I'm a terrible person. I looked at my scars. I haven't in a while. Should I? When I get home, I'm not even worth it.

"Come on, love. Bye Amy. Bye Mel." Erick said. Then, after that, he pushed me to the bed.

Oh God, this is why I hate my life.

"Baby girl your so damn fine though." He said

Sorry. I just fucking love that song.

He immediately pulled of my top. Then, he got some scissors from a counter or whatever, and ripped open my jeans.

"Your so fucking beautiful underneath all those clothes." Erick said. I'm so disgusted. 

He cuts open my bra with the scissors. Now, my breast are just hanging loosely... I felt him push off my underwear. He hasn't even undressed himself.

All he wanted was my body. Amy and Melanie are watching this.

He kissed one breast and massaged the other. I was biting my lip so damn hard, trying not to moan.


He went lower than my breast, when a moan escaped my mouth.

"Oh, so you do like it." Said Amy. Ew, never. I fucking hate him. I opened my mouth to talk, but he just kissed me. He then said,

"If you want me to stop, just kiss me back." I had no choice. I kissed him back. I'm cheating on my boyfriend. My loving boyfriend.

He got off of me. I just couldn't help but moan.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE?!" Yelled a very angry Amy.

"Here to get my duck!" Someone shouted. Oh God. Please don't be Stampy.

But it wasn't Stampy. In walked in...

Heyo! It's meh Faith!  So me and Noemi couldn't see each other for a while, that's why this chappie is late! So yea! Try and guess who walked in!
Lots of love!

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