SquidCole Back Together

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Nicole POV:

He chose her.

He chose Bethany. If he wants her, fine. He could have her. I don't care. I love him. But he chose her. We were together for two years, until that girl came. Everyone fell for her. Joseph, David, Lee, and some kind of Erick person.

I decided to go to the local club. I mean, what harm could I do? I lost him, that's the worst that could happen. Well, in my mind at least. I better get ready then.

•Time Skip•

I drive to the club. The song Tear In My Heart by Twenty One Pilots came on. Twenty One Pilots is one of my favorites. Tyler and Jose are cute. I mean what?


There it is. The club. Turn Up.

Not great with names...

As I walk in, I show off my I.D. Who knows, maybe I'll find a Josh- looking guy to take home tonight. David never liked to get serious, not even after two years. He says once we are married then we could.

I go to the bar, and so many guys want to buy me a drink. Some guy started sing me "Let Me Buy You A Drink"

Snap your fingerssss

Was all I heard. I started to laugh. While I was wasting my time with David, there was basically a line of guys, just for me. I thought this kind of thing only happened to strippers.

Woah Nicole, calm down!

"Nicole?!" Someone called out. They knew my name? As I looked closer at this person, I saw that dirty blonde hair. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to drink you away." I say nervously. This is fucking embarrassing. I have to tell him the real reason I'm here. No, I don't. I still love him.

But I need someone to treat me right.

"Same here." Why would David need to drink me away? He can have lots of girls. So many YouTube fangirls would kill to have a chance to have sex or to even kiss him, and here he is. Wanting me?

"Can we put aside the past and, have us again?" He asks. Oh my, he really does like me. A guy who wouldn't want a girl wouldn't say so. Or at least I don't think.

Then again, look at Barry Allen/The Flash and Iris for the longest time in season one. Lol.

"Yes. I love you David. No denying that." We both had great smiles? He took my hand, and led me outside. We were greeted by a Melanie Candy.

Melanie Martinez ;)

"Tell me. Where is that duck!" She shouted. I know nothing about Bethany. Or at least not too much. "Tell me or you both die!" She held out a gun.

The police sirens were heard. "Drop the gun!" One policemen said. Out of nowhere, a red and yellow blur came and took the gun out of her hand. Kinda like, a steak. Came in a flash.

Plot twist!! Jk jk. I'm just in love with that show. But remember this for the sequel ;)

They took her in a police car, and a police man came. "Sorry about that. The name's Joe." He said, and walked away. Him and Joseph have the same name. Cool.

When Sqampy Began (1/4)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz