Pity Party

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Have a writer's block so forgive me if this is really short and crappy.

Netty POV:

Today is the day.

Today is my birthday!! I'm so happy, and I'm turning twenty-seven. I'm officially three years older than my younger brother.

"Happy birthday babe." Tom says as he walks into our hotel room. Stampy kicked us out of his apartment for no reason. "Your catching up to me." Tom is twenty-eight so...

"Thanks. Should we call the crew?" I ask him. Shouldn't they of called me already? I know they didn't forget, Amy for sure wouldn't of forgotten.

"Yeah, call them. And your jerk-ass brother." I laugh at his comment because it is accurate. He is a jerk and an ass. No denying that.

"Okay I'll call them." I grab my phone and dial Stampy's number. Sqaishey told me that they are back together, so he is probably in a better mood.

He picks up and I squeal. "Huh?" Aw, he's acting as if he forgot my birthday. He used to do that act before we got into our big fight. I am not a lesbian anymore, just saying.

"Don't use that stupid act kitty, what's today?" I'm probably giving it away with all my squealing and excitement.

"It's Wednesday sis okay Amy is being a brat again I'll call you later bye." They forgot. They actually forgot. I thought it was an act, but they're serious.

I type in the group chat:

Group Name: MAC
From: Netty

What's today?

Group Name: MAC
From: Stampy

Sis I already told you. It's Wednesday why is today so special?

Group Name: MAC
From: Amy

What did I tell all of you guys?

Okay, so Amy didn't forget. But I can't believe my own brother forgot. At least my boyfriend can remember this sacred day of my birth. Damn, that was really over dramatic.

Group Name: MAC
From: Sqaishey

What the hell is today and why does Amy keep mentioning it?!

Even my best friend forgot.

Group Name: MAC
From: Rosie


Group Name: MAC
From: Lee

Lily it's officially one year today. I love you so much. I would go through hell and back  with you. I'll be the person who gives you a jacket when your cold. I'll give you soup when your sick. ILYSM Lily, I'm happy to say that I've loved you for more than that one year but I was able to make it last one year. Thank you for making this the greatest gets if my life, I love you so much Lily, hopefully we can make it two years.

Uh, Lee? I think this is the wrong chat. Wait, LEE IS DATING LILY?!?!?!

Group Name: MAC
From: Lily

Lee, wrong chat! They don't know yet!!!!!! That's it, you have screwed up many times, it may have last one year, but this is our last year together. We are done.

Okay, I bet everyone is going to care about Lee and Lily but they can't remember my birthday. Wait, they just broke up in front of us. They are all going to go all pity for them, while I have my pity party here.

I will cry until my candles burn out of this place, I'll cry until my pity party is in flames. Hey, it's my party and I can't cry if I want to. No one can say a thing since they fucking forgot!

musicforever17 am_xxx Yes bitches!

Group Name: MAC
From: Lee

Crap wrong chat! Lily, text me. I love you, let me explain, just lemme explain.

Group Name: MAC
From: Sqaishey

Awww, would be my OTP if you guys weren't fighting.

Group Name: MAC
From: Tom

Nah, you and Stampy are my OTP

"Tom!" I yell at him playfully.

Group Name: MAC
From: Netty

Okay, I guess none of you bitches know that TODAY IS MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY! Imma go and have my pity party now!💔😭😒😡

I ignore all the messages until I hear a knock at the door. I look through the peephole.

I'm too short to look through my peep hole at my house #ShortPeopleProblems am_xxx , can you relate😂

It was those little motherfuckers that forgot my birthday. Tom comes to me and puts an arm around my shoulder. "I'm not opening it." I tell him.

"Netty. Open it."

I open it and I hear surprises all around me. Lee and Lily are in different sides of each other, no surprise.

"We didn't forget!" They all shout.

I made some adjustments, and next chapter will be the last chapter...


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