First Date

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Time Skip To Morning
Sqaishey POV:
I woke up with Stampy besides me. I was confused at first, then remembered what happened the day before. Trains, coffee, lovely world, tag, confessions, kisses, and squid running to his room, looking upset. That part about squid still had me surprised. Why was he so upset that we were in love? My thoughts stopped when Stampy woke up, running his fingers through my brown hair. His fingers were so damn soft! I got up, trying to kiss him in the cheek, but at the last minute, he turned around so I kissed his lips. He's such a 9 year old! We kissed for like 5 minutes. I pulled away so I could say something. I joked, "Your such a nine year old!" He laughed with the laugh that brights up my world. We went downstairs to eat but squid was already there eating, looking depressed.
Stampy POV:
I woke up, but Sqaishey was already awake. Yesterday might have been the best day of my life. I heard those three words from Sqaishey that I've always wanted to hear. I stroked my fingers through her hair. Her hair was so freakin beautiful! She sat up to give me a kiss on the cheek, but I don't want kisses on cheeks! I turned my head at the right moment so we kissed on the lips. We kissed for like 5 minutes until Sqaishey pulled away and joked about me being a 9 year old, turning so we kissed on the lips. Her sense of humor was amazing. I had to laugh! We went downstairs so we could eat and squid was already there. Why is he so upset? He's been upset since I told him what happened between me and Sqaishey. Could this mean? NO!!!!
Squid POV:
My heart broke. Stampy said they weren't dating. So I broke up with Nicole so I could be with Sqaishey. But I found out about what happened, and now I don't have Nicole anymore! I hate myself right now. I was downstairs eating when Stampy and Sqaishey came in, holding hands. Why?
Time skip to this evening
Stampy POV:
I asked her, "Hey, Sqaishey, do you want to go out on a date with me tonight?" I started blushing. She replied, "That sounds lovely of course!" Yes! She said yes! I said, "Alright, should we go to the cinema?" She looked happy, and replied with a smile, "Yes! The new peanuts movie came out! I love the Charlie Brown gang! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Seeing her smile was one of the best things in my life, so I then said, "Alright. Well it's already 5, I'll look at times. Let's go get ready!" We both went to our rooms and got dressed. My first date with the girl of my dreams. I felt that way with Mel.
Sqaishey POV:
He asked me on a date! Awww! I of course said yes! He said where, then suggested the cinema. YES! THE NEW PEANUTS MOVIE CAME OUT! I said yes to the cinema. It was 5 and we had to get ready. First date! Yay!
Time skip to at the 8 o'clock
Sqaishey POV:
We walked to the cinema instead of driving. It was down the street. Stampy reached for my hand, so I gave it to him. I blushed the whole way over there. I asked him, "Stampy, are we, boyfriend/girlfriend?" He kissed the top of my head and said, "Yes, yes we are, babe." We laughed at that. We finally reached the cinemas.
Stampy POV:
I saw times and the next showing we could attend was at 8. Great! (Sorry bad rhyme) We decided to walk because it was down the street. I wanted me and Sqaishey to be a proper couple, so I reached for her hand, and she gave it to me. She blushed. That pink color on her pale skin was really a nice touch! She asked if we were a couple. Of course! I kissed her head then said yes. I made a little joke and we both laughed. We laughed until we reached the cinemas.
Time skip to after they got the tickets
Sqaishey POV:
We got our tickets, bought food, then we were walking to the theater we were in, and we were recognized. Great, just great! A girl with blonde hair ran up to us saying, "A A A A, are you Stampylonghead and SqaisheyQuack?!" We let go of hands and Stamps replied, "Yes, yes we are." She screamed, asked for our autographs, pictures, then she left and said, "Good luck on your date!" We blushed and went into the theater. He held my hand the whole time. There were some cute little "crush" parts, and at those parts I said, "Stamps, your (I don't know the main characters name in the movie someone tell me please!) him, and I'm (whatever her name is in the movie that they all fall for). Cause there in love, and so are we." We gripped hands tighter. I love my little KittyCake!
Stampy POV:
We got everything we needed, walked in, and got recognized. Damn, being an online star is upsetting at some times. She was excited to meet us, and wished us luck on our date. Man, we both started to blush so freakin crazy! We went into the movie theater, and I held her hand the entire time. She said something I loved. I love my beautiful little ducky!
Time Skip To After Movie
Sqaishey POV:
We walked home. Again. It started to rain. Damn. I said, "Stampy, it's cold, and I didn't bring a sweater. Can I borrow yours?" He said, "If you want it, come catch it!" He ran, and I knew we were playing tag. Just like when we first fell in love!
Stampy POV:
We walked home. It started to rain. Crap! Sqaishey didn't have a sweater. She asked if she could borrow my sweater. I knew a way to warm her up. I ran away to play tag. I ran until I got to the house. Sqaishey right behind me. We sat on the porch and talked. I held her hand and leaned in for a kiss. She leaned closer too. We kissed for about 8 minutes then squid came out. We ran inside and went to my room. We said our "I Love You" then I said, "Sqaishey, this was an amazing date! Thank you so much for being my little ducky!" She replied with, "I'm glad you liked it. I loved it too. I'm so thankful to have my little KittyCake!" We both went to sleep together again.
Sqaishey POV:
He ran so fast! I finally caught up to him when we got to the apartment. We sat at the porch and kissed for like 8 minutes. Squid came and ruined it. Ugh! We ran to my room, sweet talked each other and went to sleep.
Squid POV:
They were gone for quite some time. I went down to the lobby to see if they were coming back anytime soon. I went outside to look, and they were making out on the porch. They ran inside, and I stayed in the rain. I finally went upstairs back to our apartment, and cried to sleep. "Why did I fall in love with my best mate's girlfriend? Why?" I said as I cried. I went outside their door to listen to them sweet talk each other. I finally went back to my room and cried some more. I finally feel asleep. Heartbroken.

Wazzup everyone!? Sorry I haven't updated in a while I'm so freakin busy! Anyway, thanks so much for reading! Sorry this is long, it makes up for the crappy chapter before, not the update. I love to write stories! SQUEE! But anyways, just jeep shipping Sqampy! Byeeee!!!💖

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