Chapter 25 - Escape

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I hear Cale's bedsheets rustle as he turns in his bed. I turn my head to look at him. He looks at me for a few seconds.

"You didn't sleep a wink, did you?" Cale says.

"What gave it away?" I reply, looking back at the ceiling.

"The bags, red-eyes," Cale says. "When was the last time you actually slept well?"

"Before I woke up from that coma, 10 days ago," I answer. Cale doesn't reply. It's quiet for a few seconds, then I venture a risky question.

"Is today going to be a group confinement day?" I ask.

Cale props himself onto his elbows and looks at me with an expression I can't read.

"Maybe, its 50:50," He answers.

I glance at the door then look back at Cale.

"I hope its not a physical examination day," I say.

"If it is we'll make due," Cale replies. 

I don't say anything, just look at the barred window again. I don't want to make due, I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. I see two heads pass by the doorway. I look at Cale again.

He doesn't say anything, but I know he understood what my facial expression meant. How many more 17-year-olds are left until they start picking 16-year-olds?

A few minutes later, the guards open the door, and the rest of our friends are thrown in. Yes! A group confinement day is exactly what we need to put the first step in action.

"Are we actually going to go through with this?" Tammie whispers, sitting next to me on the bed.

"Shh," Deen tells her as he sits next to Cale on the bed. None of us answer her, that should be answer enough.

"How did everyone sleep?" Spenzo asks, acting natural.

"Decent I guess, but I've had to pee for hours," Zuke says, he gets up and goes into the bathroom. He's in position.

"Actually, I feel kind of funny," Kinnie says.

"You should lay down, sleep is the best thing for people when they don't feel well." Deen suggests.

Tammie nods a bit over enthusiastically.

"Yeah Deen's right, you'll feel better in a little bit," I tell her.

Kinnie lies down on her side, back to us. Perfect position to talk to Zuke in.

"So, I've been thinking, we should play river wars," Spenzo suggests.

"River wars?" I repeat. "Isn't that what everyone was against after we played story-time?"

"Yeah and we're against it for a reason," Tammie replies. 

"What do you think Tressa?" Deen leans back to look at her, she's sitting in the corner of the room that has the vent.

"I'm not really into the whole game thing," she says in her normal voice. She drops her voice to  a whisper. "Pretend I'm not here, we don't want the guards to notice."

They most likely didn't hear that part, but if they did, it's okay, we want them to be suspicious of Tressa.

"I guess the five of us can play then," Spenzo says.

"I don't exactly think that's a good idea," I say.

"Oh come on, we haven't had fun in days," Deen says. "What do you say, Cale?"

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