Chapter 28 - Into the woods

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My wrist really hurts, and before I can even open my eyes, I remember why. The doctor and I had another chat. She tried to get our plan, and I was able to keep it from her, surprisingly, given how deep her nails had been in my wrist. I open my eyes and lift up my arm to inspect my wrist. They had wrapped it in ace bandage. Moving my hand around to see how much damage had been done, I realize that it hurts as I move it, but I still can move it, which is a good thing.

"Jade!" Someone cries quietly, clearly relieved, I look to the left and see Spenzo. "You're awake!"

"Yeah," I reply, slowly. "How did the doctor explain..." I point at my wrist.

"She said you smashed you're hand against your glass, shattering it and cutting your wrist," Spenzo says. "And, she broke the glass to prove it."

"Of course," I comment softly, then I realize something alarming. "How long have I been out?" If it was already late, we could've missed our window.

"Calm down, we don't want them to put you in the ER, and they will if your pulse keeps racing," Spenzo says. "You've only been out for 15 minutes. 'Cuz your pulse has been all out of whack, they're keeping us all here overnight. They think it's related to what knocked us out."

"Oh okay good," I say relaxing. I don't say anything else for fear of someone else overhearing. "Do the others know what knocked us all out?" I ask. Hoping he would understand the hidden meaning, that I was asking if he's checked on the others and if they're alright, and ready.

Spenzo nods. "They're good." And his facial expressions tells me that he understood what I'd asked. "But," He adds. "They're waiting to see if you're okay; I visited them while you were out." He means that Zuke and Kinnie are waiting for my signal, though they are probably worried about me as well, especially if Spenzo had told them about my "chat" with the doctor.
I glance at the door. "You think they'll let me out of bed?" I ask.

"Probably not," Spenzo says. He looks out the door. "But, I think they'll be fine with visitors, if they're other patients in the hospital."

"We need to talk before we get sent back downstairs," I say carefully. Spenzo nods, understanding my meaning.

"I'll be back," He says. He slips through the the curtain to his side of the room. He comes back through the curtain a little while later with Cale and Tressa behind him.

"Jade? Are you alright?" Tressa asks, coming over to me. I nod, knowing that she's asking if I'll be okay with running out of here on later.

"I'll be fine," I assure her.

"The doctor did that to you," Cale says, eyeing the bandage on my wrist.

"It's nothing," I insist. Cale frowns but doesn't say anything. He looks more downtrodden than usual. It might be from the whole thing with the guard earlier. "How are you though?"

He doesn't answer right away. He seems to take a few second to figure out how to respond to the loaded question. "Okay." He answers finally.

I nod and don't ask him anything else.

"What happened when you and Zuke got up here?" I decide to ask Tressa.

"Nothing much," Tressa says. "Just normal upstairs stuff."

"No one noticed anything weird?" I ask.

"No," Tressa shakes her head, telling me that her and Zuke had slipped in without notice.

"Good," I nod.

We don't say anything else for a few seconds.

"I'm going to get Zuke and Kinnie, they were asking for you earlier," Spenzo says, and he leaves the room.

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