Chapter 3 - Voices

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I wanted to tell the doctor what I heard my dad say. But something prevented me from trusting her. The way she was always so eager to talk to me, to see if I remembered anything. So I decided to keep it to myself. So what if my Dad's name is Richard Vera. I think I heard a man and a woman talking about a Dr. Vera while I was asleep. Something about a time machine. Could that be the machine my dad was talking about? I massaged my temple, this was too much. I leaned back and closed my eyes, trying to relax for a bit. But right in the front of my mind was a blurry image of something, I couldn't tell what. But I heard my dad's voice I think it was a memory of him talking. But what he was saying was the clearest.

"Jade, listen to me! It'll help..." His voice faded out. "You'll see!"

"Dad's pointless trying!" That was me talking, it must have been a memory it was so unclear though all blurry and swirling.

"Give it, please."

"Dad I... but...for you and mom," I had said.

But then the memory cut off completely. I didn't even know what we had been talking about. I now wondered if I'd ever know. But I couldn't focus on that since the doctor chose that moment to walk into my room.

"Jade, how are you this morning," The doctor said with a big smile that immediately told me that she would try to elicit information about my dreams.

"Good," I answered.

"So normally when people with amnesia dream, they dream about memories, what about you?" The doctor asked sitting in the chair and getting right to the point.

"Well, I think yes. But some of them were blurry," I answered honestly yet at the same time not telling her everything.

"That's normal," The doctor asked. She paused for a moment as if she knew I wasn't telling her everything. Once she realized that I wasn't going to tell her, she continued to press further for information. "Anything else Jade?"

"Nope, not really," I replied. Nothing that I would tell you at least.

"Well I'm going to step out for a moment call me if you need anything," She said.

"Kay," I said, but to myself I thought, don't bet on it.

Later that day, once I had resumed my schedule of sleeping, eating and looking out the window, I was suddenly woken from my nap. I Think it was because someone was calling me. Someone was, but the voice sounded far away as if - as if it was inside my head.

"Jade, can you hear me?" The voice called.

"Yes I can hear you," A voice that sounded like mine replied. But again, it was inside my head.

"Your not mad at me are you?" The voice asked.

"I'm not mad at you, mom, just disappointed," The me inside my head said.

"I'm sorry," The voice of my mom replied.

But then there was nothing else. I realized what it was. It was the sounds from one of my memories. Usually people don't remember things like that, but whatever happened, it must have totally messed up my way of processing things. It was really beginning to creep me out. I lifted my arm up and ran my fingers through my hair, just now realizing that the IV had been taken out. My hair was thick, and a bit knotted. But, I realized, quite suddenly, that I had no clue what I looked like. Right now, I made that my top priority, finding out what I looked like. It was one of the things that I actually could find out. The only thing I needed was a mirror. I swung my legs around to the side of bed. For a second I doubted that they'd hold me up. They were short skinny and dark brown. I wasn't wearing any shoes, but walking on the cold linoleum floor didn't bother me. I stood for a few seconds, then I took a few steps. When I didn't fall down, I continued going.

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