Chapter 32 - Awakening

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I bolt upright, awakening with a gasp and a searing pain in my head. I can't even think enough to process what I had just remembered.

I can't breathe, my head hurts so much.

"What's going on?" Someone says in a groggy voice, but I can't use the voice recognition faculties in my brain to determine who.

"Jade, what's wrong?" Someone else asks.

I can't believe this. How is possible? How can I remember? No one can remember stuff like that. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt more, I didn't think that was possible but from the feeling of someone smashing a hammer on my head, it apparently is.
I take deep breaths to try to get some air and compose myself but it doesn't work.

"Guys, why'd it get all cold all of the sudden?" Someone asks groggily.

"Jade come on talk to us, what's wrong?" Someone asks.

I can't answer.

"We got zero sleep last night, why's everyone up already?" Someone asks.

"Jade?" Someone calls.

"What's all the fuss about?" Someone else asks.

"Something's wrong with Jade. I think she was having a nightmare because she was really sweaty and muttering in her sleep but I didn't wake her up."

A nightmare, that's one way to describe it. I still can't comprehend how it's possible for me to remember the accident. Why didn't my dad listen to me when I told him not to... A stab of pain cuts off my train of thought and I have to clutch the side of my head, shut my eyes tight and let out a cry of agony in response.

"Jade?" Someone says in alarm.

I'm feeling dizzy now, the gasping for air must be getting to me.

"Jade, breathe, breathe, it's going to be okay deep breaths," Someone tries to comfort me.

It's too late for that. The room's already starting to spin.

"What's wrong with her?" Someone asks.

Everything. Everything is wrong with me. I just remembered the accident that sent me here and messed up my brain forever. I just witnessed the deaths of everyone I used to know. I just remembered the biggest stake my father ever made.

Another bolt of pain rips through my skull. No air is coming in.

"She's not breathing! Jade come on stay with us it's going to be okay!" Someone says.

I feel the darkness pulling me away, and I have no breath left to endure this agony.

"Jade don't do this," Someone else begs.

There words have no effect, as with one last sharp stab of pain in my head, I feel my body go numb, and the all the fight leaves me in an instant.

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