Chapter 4 - I'm in the Future

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"Jade! Jade! They won't believe me you have to get up! Jade!" Someone was calling and shaking me.

"I'm telling the truth," the person said to someone else. "I won't try to escape! She really won't get up!"

"Jade! Jade!" The person called again. I opened my eyes to see Cale frantically looking down at me.

"I'm fine," I muttered. But I really wasn't. I remembered exactly what has happened and the realization made me sick.

"No you're not," Cale said looking down at me. "I caught you, but you've still been passed out for 30 minutes."

"Guards!" Cale called before I could respond. But obviously they had left. My stomach turned and I realized that whether I had eaten breakfast or not, I was going to hurl. I quickly stood up and stumbled into the bathroom. I threw up into the toilet a few times. Then I leaned back against the sink.

I was in the future. But, how far into the future was I? I did know that I was supposed to be at least 20 by now, or older. I needed to know, at least, what year it was; if I held my ground I wouldn't faint again.

"Cale," I called weakly. Cale was by the door in a second.

"Are you okay, what's wrong?" He asked looking worried.

"A lot of things. Just tell me what year it is," I told him.

"No way, the last time I told you something you blacked out for half an hour. What was that anyway?" Cale asked sounding a bit angry.

"Tell me what year it is and I'll tell you," I replied. Cale ran his hand through his hair.

"It's 2033," He answered finally. A wave of dizziness washed over me. I pulled myself up and retched in the toilet again. I was twenty years in the future. I was supposed to be 34! I lost it again and puked, but I didn't faint. Cale looked even more worried.

"Jade you okay?" When I didn't respond he asked again.

"2033," I whispered. "I'm in the year 2033."

"Jade?" Cale asked again. I got up walked out the bathroom and sat down on one of the beds. I fell back staring at the ceiling. But I didn't see the ceiling, I saw stars.

"Cale," I whispered. Cale immediately was sitting up next to me on the bed.

"Jade?" He asked again.

"I was born in 1999. I came here in a time machine," I whispered and I blacked out again, losing it, of course.

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