Chapter 14 - A Visit

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"You guys do think he's okay, right?" I asked. The guards weren't giving any information besides "he was fine." I assumed they were lying for the LE's.

"Cale's a fighter, he's dealt with a lot worse than a case of salmonella," Spenzo replied.

"Yeah, let's talk about something else," Deen changes the subject with a nervous glance out the door.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Food?" Spenzo suggests.

"No, touchy subject," Deen replies.

"Wanna play a game, or something?" I offer.

"Why not?" Spenzo agrees.

"What do you want to play?" Deen asks. I shrug. No one says anything, we sit avoiding each-other's eyes, groping for something to fill the silence.

"Jade, I have to talk to you," someone says from the doorway. I turn and see the doctor. Something in her eyes frightens me.

"What about?" I ask feigning nonchalance.

"I'll tell you, in private," The doctor replies sinisterly. My breath catches in my throat as I stand up and go to her. I don't know where the LE's are.

The doctor wraps her arm around my bony wrist and drags me up the basement stairs and into an office. I'm slammed into a chair and two guards shut the door behind me.

"Hey, Jade. How are you today?" She asks, nothing amiable in her voice. I don't answer.

"What do you want?" I ask. The doctor leans in close to my face.

"What do I want? I want you to tell me the truth," The doctor sneers. "I know who you are Jade Vera. And I know who your daddy was, and what he did. But, you know more than you let on. I want to know what you know."

"I don't know anything," I stutter. Fear is the only emotion I feel.

"Something is preventing me from believing that." The doctor draws back. "But, I'll let it slide. When we need you, we'll get what we want."

"But, I don't have what you want!" I cry. The doctor pulls back a fist and brings it across my face, leaving a stinging in my right cheek.

"Regardless whether you acknowledge it, we know there's more in that black head of yours than you let on. Playing stupid will get you no where. I'm watching you Jade. Everything you know, I'll find out." The doctor snarls.

"I don't kno-" I start to say, but I stop. This was about my dad, wasn't it. I realized the disservice I'd done to myself on my first day I was awake. I told them the year I was born, that was a big mistake. If my dad was some hot-shot inventor and I had helped him with his inventions, as my flashbacks indicated, then I possibly was much smarter than I know. More was to come. "Whatever I know, you won't find out."

"I wouldn't bet on it, Jade Vera. There are ways." The doctor leans in close to my ear. "We know a lot more than you think."

The guards grab my arms and drag me out of the room.

"Go downstairs," One of them tells me. I have no problems with complying. I run.

"Is everything okay?" A LE asks me as I'm about to step into the cell.

"Yeah, of course," I say, smiling. I step into the cell and sit down.

There are questions in the eyes of Spenzo, Deen and Tressa. But, I can't answer as I realize what's going on in my head. Everyday I find something out, something new. All of it has to do with my dad.

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