Chapter 1 - The Window

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I woke up knowing nothing. I didn't know where I was, what day it was; I barely knew who I was. The only thing I knew was that I was Jade Vera. But I didn't know what that meant yet.

I think I was in a hospital room. There was a table with needles in a corner and a vitals monitor in another. I felt that I was wearing some sort of headband. Of course, I couldn't see it, there wasn't a mirror in the room. In fact, there wasn't much of anything besides the things I saw. And a window above the needle table. The window had a view of some city, the buildings looked as if they were made of plastic and the cars were flying. For some reason, that struck me as a bit queer. But what would I know, I had just waken up from some sort of coma. I think. What else could leave a person with no recollection of anything besides their name?

I stared out of the window for a while longer. Why I was so attracted to it, I didn't know. But I couldn't pull my eyes away from it.

"The view's nice, isn't it?" A lady, who I presumed was some sort of nurse, said. She was wearing a short red dress with a red plus sign on the chest. As soon as I saw it I remembered it was the universal first aid sign.

"I didn't know you were up. Usually these monitors go crazy when a patient first wakes up from a year-long coma." I didn't say anything. The lady looked at me, then she looked at the screen.

"Your vitals are completely normal," she said. "How do you feel? Up for some questions?"

I remembered how to speak. "Yes." I said. "I mean - good - questions would be good - I mean.." I couldn't form a complete sentence properly.

"It's alright hon, I know what you mean. The doctor wants to talk to you. She'll be in in a moment," The nurse said and then she took the table/cart with needles out of the room. I stared after her for a moment. Then went right back to looking out the window.

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