15-- Mommy Issues

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"Ooh and Brooklyn?" I turned to my patient as she sat in her hospital bed and pulled her self together.


"Let go of the past and it will let go of you" I smiled as I waved , walking out and shutting the door.

I took a quick glampse of her brother Hisan, who was standing outside the door. I nodded my head and start walking down the hall.

"Aye!" He called out.

"Yes?" I turned around and smiled.

"You left this on the seat, while you was waiting out here" he handed me my phone.

"Oh my God, thankyou. I would be crying if I lost this" I smiled, "What's your name again?" I fronted like I didn't know.


"Well thank you Hisan, who is this litte guy" I said referring to his son, that was standing beside him.


"Wow that's a cool name" I smiled, "All the girls is gonna be chasing you one day Fame" I giggled.

"What's your name?" Fame asked.

"Janessa, ya know kind of like Vanessa but with a J" I shrugged.

"That's pretty!" He gave me a wide smile that melted my heart.

Hisan nodded to the chair beside the door and gestured for him sit down. Then he continued to look at his phone, I can tell he was stressed about something, but I didn't want to ask.

"Your sister and niece are gonna do just fine, I'm gonna make sure I help the both of them the best way I know how. I know it's hard seeing a relative go through this"

He nodded his head and continued to scan his phone.

"I would recommend that you try to have a good vibe around them, cause one bad vibe can mess up a person's mood"

"Thankyou, Dr.Jackson right?"

"Dr.Jones" I corrected him.

"Oh Dr.Jones, I would recommend that you leave me and my vibe out of this. I appreciate that you're caring for my sister but my vibe doesn't have shit to do with this, you understand?" He said in his deep Jamaican accent.

"I'm sorr--"

"No need for apologies, just make sure you help my lil sis, okay?"

"No problem, I didn't mean to offend you Hisan"

"Yeah okay" he shooed me off.

"It's not the load that breaks you, it's the way you carry it"

"Why you say that?" He squinted his eyes at me.

"Imma psychiatrist, I can tell when someone is stressed. You don't even have to say anything, actions speak louder than words"

"Really, well since actions speak louder than words, if I flicked you off would get the point to leave me alone"

"Wow" I took a deep breath. "Im just trying to help, that's my job. Why are you so mean?" I folded my arms.

"Why are you so sensitive, I'm not mean ."

"No...it sounds like Hisan is only for His self, he doesn't have any consideration"

"Well it's Hi-Zan." He frowned . "We only been conversing for a couple of minutes and you're already changing my name . Anyways I don't have to consider-- you know what I'm not gonna argue with you. You probably think you're perfect. I'm sure you went to a 4-year college, graduated, you think you know everything cause you have a degree but in reality you don't know shit"

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