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Today we're finding out what we're having, we plan on telling our families together next week.

I'm so excited. I've already told Bey I wanted twins.

I grabbed bey's hand on as we walked into the clinic.

"Damn it, Cole your grip is hella strong." She laughed.

"I'm sorry I'm just so excited."

"I can tell."

We signed some papers then walked in the back so I could help Bey change.

"Hello Ms. knowles." The lady said.

"Ms. Knowles?" I said with an eyebrow raised.

"Shut up." She laughed

"Are you guys excited?" She asked getting the blue stuff out.

"Yeah!" I said a little to fast.

"Cole calm down." Bey laughed.

When the doctor started putting the stuff on her stomach she squeezed my hand.

"Cold?" I asked.


"You see that?" She said pointing at the screen. "That's your baby, and it looks like your having a boy!"

"Yes!" I said jumping up and down.

"I thought you wanted twins." Bey smiled.

"Be quiet and let me enjoy this moment." I said closing my eyes.

"Okay." She laughed. We sat there for a good 5 minutes before I heard. "You done yet cause I'm hungry."

"Always have to ruin the moment." I mumbled to myself. I helped her get dressed then drove to her house.

I rubbed her belly as I sat on the couch. "Hey little guy." I said into her stomach. "Mommy is a meany. She forced me to buy her some food."

"Shut up Cole." She said pushing my head.

"See I told you she was mean."

"I'm guessing y'all know the gender." Tina asked walking in, sitting on the other couch.

"Yep." I smiled.


"Oh yeah it's a boy." I said again.

"He hasn't stopped smiling." Bey said tirelessly.

"I can tell." Tina laughed.

"I love you little guy." I said hugging her stomach.

"Cole it's to damn hot for you to be on-"

"Beyonce let him be." Tina said.

"Thank you Tina."

"When are you telling everyone?" She asked.

"Friday. Right?" I asked looking up at bey.

"Yeah. Is your family coming?" Bey asked me.

"My bother and mom. That's it I think." I told her.

"Are you flying them out?"

"Yep." I said yawning.

"Are you falling asleep?" She asked.


"Can you get off my stomach?"

"Nope." I said hugging her tighter, causing Tina to laugh.

"Can you at least hand me the remote to the tv?"

"Leave me alone Beyonce!" I joked smiling.

"Mama can you hand me the remote." Bey asked.

I felt her lift up then down.

'The couple has been together over the last few months. Sources say J.Cole even got into a argue over Beyonce at a club few months ago. Neither of them confirmed nor denied being together-"

"Turn that shit off." I mumbled.

"Calm down, I'm just trying to see what's going on." Bey laughed.

"Tell Beyonce that everyone is here waiting on her."

"Tina I'm trying your daughter is very stubborn." I said into the phone.

"Stop talking about me." Beyonce said coming out the bathroom. " I'm ready."

"Okay let's go." I said helping her."Your mom is pissed."

"I just want to get tonight over with." She said.

"Me to. Are you staying at my place tonight?"


"Okay then let's get this over with then we can go home."


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