Heaven and Hell; Chapter Eight; Why?

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"When you find this, I'll most likely already be dead. I'm sorry, but I can't take this anymore. I love you, Izzy." I wrote on a piece of paper, placing it perfectly beside the sink. I stared into the bloodsoaked mirror. My reflection would soon be but a memory to those who knew me. I held my knife tightly to my chest. I slowly lowered the knife to my wrist. Not taking my eyes off my reflection, I cut. Deep. I dropped the knife as I felt the blood trickle through my fingers. I fell to my knees. "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" I screamed before I hit the ground. Laying there, hoping for Izzy to walk in and see me. This all seemed all too familiar, but the only difference is, this time, I'm laying in my own pool of blood. I heard the doorknob start turning, as Izzy banged on the door. "Heaven? Babe, I need the bathroom. Can I come in?" He asked. Yes, please. Please come in, Izzy.. Please. I told myself in my head. I tried to tell him that, but all that came out was a grunt. "Heaven?" Izzy said, questioningly while opening the door slowly. We linked eyes. It took him awhile to finally see the puddle of dark blood around me. "Oh my god, Heaven!" He screamed as he sat down beside me, ignoring the blood getting all over him. He held my head, as I took my final breaths. He pulled out his phone and punched in the numbers 911. "Hi, um. 911? I need an ambulance right now. 143 Blige Street. Yes, please hurry. My girlfriend, she slit her wrist. She's dying!" He cried into his cell phone. I heard the sirens in the distance, slowly getting closer and louder. Was I dying?

I slowly opened my eyes. There he was, Izzy "It's okay, Heaven. I got you. You're going to be okay.." He told me, stroking my hair. I watched the overly bright lights pass over me faster than I could count. Everything was a blur.

"Heaven?" I heard that same sweet voice I hadn't heard in so long. I turned over. "Angel?" Her smiling face lit up everything I felt. "Oh, Heaven.. Oh my goodness. How are you?" She asked, as she took my hand in hers. "Angie.. I'm okay.. Hurting, but I'm okay. I missed you.." I whispered. "I missed you too.. Alot. Umm, Izzy wants to see you, too. They wont allow more than one person in here at a time.." She told me, pulling her hand away from mine. I nodded.

Not long after, I saw Izzy round the corner into the room. He looked at me, and shook his head. "Why, Heaven?" He asked, taking my hand. That's what I'd like to know.. Why?  

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