Heaven and Hell; Chapter Sixteen; Twofaced Liar.

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I watched her walk away from me, furious. I turned to slam my fist into the locker. Hard. I noticed everyone looking at me, whispering and pointing.

"What the fuck are all you looking at?" I asked, miserably.

"I believe they're looking at you and how you just got rejected!" Someone yelled through the group. I felt my anger bubble up inside of me. No, go away. Not a good time for anger issues to kick in.

"Who the fuck said that." I asked, pushing through the crowd.

"I did." I heard a voice say. I turned to look to my right. Noah came into my view. That pri- "What are you going to do about it, Izzy?" He asked, pushing closer to me. "Hit me?" I watched a grim smile form on his face.

"What if I do?" I asked, leaning closer into his face. He knew I was threatening him.

"Well, we'll have to see when you hit me." He replied, tilting his head and jerking forward.

"Fuck off, Noah."

"Fuck on, you get more luck." He shot at me. I let my arm swing out to it's full potential. I heard the air leave his chest as my fist connected with his stomach. Take that, you asshole.

"You really shouldn't have said that, Noah." I whispered as I felt my knee connect with his face when he bent down to regain his breath. He fell to the floor, laying there still. Not a breath escaped his lips. What had I just done.. Blood bubbled out of his mouth and nose. The light slowly left his eyes.

"Noah? Oh shit, Noah. Come on, it wasn't that hard." I whispered, falling to my knees and holding him in my lap.

"You.. Killed him." Someone whispered behind me.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, I DIDN'T FUCKING KILL HIM!" I snapped. But it was true. I did kill him. My knee connected with his nose and pushed it right up into his brain, killing him instantly. I stood up and stared down at him. I had just killed a man.. A good man, at that. I glanced around and walked away from the scene. There was nothing I could do about it, other than run. I pushed my headphones in as far as they could go and turned the music way up.

"You twofaced LIAR!" I heard someone hiss. I stopped and looked around, pulling my headphones out of my ears. I noticed Noah, standing there, leaning against a tree.

"But.. I killed you, didn't I?" I asked, feeling confused.

"Oh, you did. But now I'm here to kill you." He told me, walking closer. I felt a gasp escape my mouth and before I knew it, everything went black.


I know, it's kinda cheesy.. With the whole *GASP* NOAH'S DEAD thing, but I needed SOMTHING to keep the whole paranormal idea going. Tell me what yu think?

Thank yaa!(:

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