Heaven and Hell; POV's.

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Okay, maybe I don't have a note.. MY COMPUTER IS BEING DANGEROUSLY SLOW..

*tilts my head* I think I hear thunder.. YAYAYAY(:

*gasp* TORNADO WARNING FOR WEDNESDAY. YEAH! I've always wanted one.<33 A tornado.. In my town.. Hmmm.. Maybe the world really IS going to end. 12.21.12 BABY(:

Okay, so I know I kinda already did Heaven's POV, but I'm doing it again! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. <--- I felt evil(:


Heaven's POV;

  I caught eyes with Hunter, who was standing with a bunch of his friends. I'll admit, they looked really cool. I wanted to get to know them. Just the thought made me smile. Hunter nodded to his friends and turned to walk to me. Hmm.. Hunter. I love him. Well, I don't know if its love. It's too early to tell.. But I think I may be falling for him..

"Hey Hunter!" I exclaimed, running to him and hugging him tightly. I felt somthing for Hunter.. Ever since I first layed eyes on him. Love at first sight? I sighed. A happy sigh. I felt his arms wrap around me in a tight hug. He was 3 inches taller than me, making it perfect. I wonder if he feels the same way I do.. Only time will tell. I didn't like him for his looks. Although they were a bonus. His personality is really what made me fall so hard for him.

"Hey, Heaven." He whispered in my ear, giving me goosebumps and a bright red color to my face. Wonderful. I saw Izzy coming. He did NOT look happy. Oh shit.

"What's going on here, now?" Izzy asked, looking directly at me. I could tell Hunter wanted to say somthing, but I shook my head at him. Please someone say somthing.. Please, Hunter.. He said nothing. Damn.

"It was a hug, Iz.. Chillax." I told him, bearing an intense glare on my face. He pushed past Hunter and took his spot on my left. I rolled my eyes and moved away. STOP being such an ass.. I thought. If there was anything I hated most, it was when Izzy got jealous. So annoying..

"Look, Izzy.. You really need to calm down. We're just friends, and that was just a hug. Do you honestly think I'd cheat on you?" I asked, staring at him. I could tell what was coming. I had hoped our relationship wouldn't come to this, but I knew it would. Wheather it'd be him or me suffering.

"Yeah, Heaven. I think you WOULD cheat." He admitted, looking away. I felt my eyes well up with tears. What is this guy ON. I would never cheat on ANYONE. I love him. Err.. I think I do. If I do, love hurts.. I let out a mental sigh. Fuck this.

"Oh.. I'm sorry you feel that way. But if that's the way you feel, I need a break." I told him, looking at my feet. It's hard. Breaking up with someone you truly love. But he thinks I'd cheat. My relationships need to be built on trust. Not constantly worrying about if he's cheating, or thinking I'm cheating. Relationships cannot be built on lies.

"But Heaven-"

"No buts. I made up my mind. I'm done." I whispered as I turned to walk away. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cut and do as many drugs as I could.. I've never been known to do drugs, but this made me want to. I knew what Hunter would be doing. Shooting Izzy a look that SCREAMED you're an asshole.. I was happy I had Hunter. He meant alot to me. I would never cheat. After all the times Izzy snuck out behind my back and messed around at parties. I felt the hot tears sting my eyes as they started rolling down my cheeks. Not this again.. I can't cry. Not infront of all these people.. Oh my god. The halls flooded with whispers again. Everyone must have seen it. I wiped my cheeks and walked down the hall.

"Heaven, stop!" Hunter yelled down the hall. I heard his approaching footsteps behind me. Yes.. Ypu can make me feel better.. Say somthing. Do Somthing.. Please. He grabbed my hand. I whirled myself around almost hitting him.

Heaven and Hell; Chapter One; I Thought I Lost You.Where stories live. Discover now