Heaven and Hell; Chapter Nine; Stupid Bandages..

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I walked down the school hall, hand and hand with Izzy.

"Hey, Heaven. What's with the bandages?" Asked Noah. I glared at him, as I shot Izzy a sideways glance. He nodded.

"Oh.. Um. I um.. I fell." I lied. I could feel Izzy's eyes on me, as I shot my glance down to my feet.

"Oh. I hope you feel better soon." Noah replied. I could picture the look on his face. I bet he's thinking "Wow, a fall THAT bad? She has to be lying." It made me sick how full of himself he was. I never really noticed until the fight Izzy and Noah had. I felt his body push past Izzy's as he stumbled to regain his balance.

"Wow, what's his deal?" Izzy asked, as he took my hand again.

"I'm not sure. Should I have told him what really happened?" I asked, looking up at Izzy.

"That's what I was expecting from you. I've never heard you lie before. It's so unlike you." Izzy whispered.

"Oh. I was going to. Believe me, I was. But I don't know if I trust him.." I told him, staring at the ground as I passed a swarm of freshies. Cheerleaders. I rolled my eyes as I could hear them giggling. I watched them stare at Izzy and I as we walked hand and hand. Whispering to one another, then turning back, looking at us, and giggling somemore. It made me want to freak out on them.

"Heaven, keep walking." Izzy almost growled. I had stopped walking, but why?

"Oh, shit. Sorry." I whispered as we pushed through a bunch of senior boys. I pushed myself close to Izzy's body as he cleared a path for us.

"Move. Get out of my way. Pretty lady coming through." Izzy yelled as we slowly pushed through. I could feel the senior's eyes on me. I glanced to my left and noticed a very handsome looking boy staring at me. His eyes were green ish golden. His hair was blonde and black. He was so.. Beautiful. Like holy crap..

"Heaven? Are you okay?" I heard Izzy ask as he snapped me out of our stare down.

"Izzy, I can't have all these people staring at me." I whispered, feeling self - consious. I hated feeling eyes on me..

"It's okay, Heaven." He whispered as we reached the end of the swarm. He squeezed my hang tightly, as we walked to our next class.. Physical Education. The one subject I can't STAND.

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