Heaven and Hell; Chapter Ten; Phys-ED.

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Izzy pushed the gym doors open for me. I walked in under his arm. I must admit, he did look pretty sexy in his baggy gym shorts. I looked down at my ripped skinny jeans. This isn't going to me good I told myself.

"Aren't you getting changed?" Izzy asked, looking at me.

"Um. I can't. I don't have gym clothes.." I told him, looking into his eyes.

"Izzy, I see you're ready for gym as always." Coach Kestler grinned as he said this. Izzy was very athletic. He was always joining teams, and getting to know the Coach.

"Yes sir, I am!" Izzy told him, looking pleased. Coach shot me a disapproving look, as he shook his head.

"Heaven, why are you not getting changed with all the other girls?" Coach asked, staring me down.

"I.. Um. I got hurt." I whispered, keeping my gaze fixed on the ground.

"I'm sure you did. Go sit on the stage. You know, it's people like you who are going to end up fat." Coach told me, putting a hand on my cut arm. I yelped in pain.

"Dude, what's your deal!? Leave her alone, can't you tell shes hurt?" I heard the boy from the swarm yell. I shot him a weird look, and watched Izzy as he turned his head to see who had said that. My own boyfriend didn't even stick up for me. I sighed.

"What did you just say to me?" The Coach asked as he let go of my arm. I breathed a huge breath of relief.

"You heard me." He shot back. Who was this kid? Why hadn't I noticed him before?

"Very well, Hunter. Office, now." The Coach yelled.

"But Coach! It wasn't his fault! He was standing up for me!" I yelled as I held up my bandaged arm.

"Miss Cross, it is in fact, his fault. He could have kept his mouth shut." The coach bellowed as he shot Izzy a death glare almost as if to say; Why are you dating this girl?

"Coach, it isn't his fault. You grabbed my arm, I yelped, and he stood up for me. Not cool.." I told him, adding a edge to my voice.

"No student talks to me like that. To the office, Miss Cross. I'm guessing you and Hunter will get to know eachother very well this year." The Coach yelled as he pushed us both towards the door. I glanced back at Izzy. He was making a "I'll text you" signal. I nodded and walked out the door.

Heaven and Hell; Chapter One; I Thought I Lost You.Where stories live. Discover now