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Once upon a time off the shores of South Carolina there lived a man by the name of Charles McKinley. He was a very wealthy man his great grandfather discovered oil in Saudi Arabia and ever since they have been rich and never have had to work another day of their lives. He married a wealthy lady from England by the name Wendy Thompson. On their wedding day all of South Carolina celebrated, it was as if they were King and queen. Three years past and Wendy became pregnant, but she became very ill. Charles searched the land for medicine that would heal his wife. He heard rumors of a mermaid in the ocean that had magic that would cure anything. He went to the ocean alone at night and called out to the mermaid. She lived in the Atlantic Ocean and heard his cry. She swam up to a rock and greeted him. Her hair was a beautiful blue color as the ocean itself it covered her chest and stopped at her tail. Her eyes were blue and sparkled in the moonlight, her tail was green and sparkled like diamonds. And in her hand was a clear white bottle with a cork, in the bottle was magical blue liquid that shined bright in the darkness. Charles bowed before her for she was the queen of the Atlantic Ocean. "My majesty, my wife is with child but has fallen ill and needs medicine we have searched the land but nothing has worked." The mermaid waved her hand and her tail shined and disappeared. She had legs know. She walked onto the shore and had a blue dress on, with a tiara that was as beautiful as the ocean itself. "I have Magic that will cure your wife... But all Magic has its limits, your daughter may become a mermaid but yet if you keep her away from the ocean she will be ok. Never let salt water touch her soft skin." The mermaid spoke so soft but as powerful as the tide at midnight. "Thank you your majesty is there anything that I can do to repay you." Charles asked. The mermaid thought for a minute and came up with an idea. "I have longed for a child for as long as I could remember, if your child loves the ocean and feels... Attached to it, let her become my daughter." Charles didn't know what to say. He would say yes but make sure his daughter never is close to the ocean... EVER. "Of course your majesty. Thank you again." And with that Charles walked back to his carriage. The mermaid walked into the water. She waved her hand and her legs transformed back into her beautiful mermaid tail. She swam away and took one last look at the shore. "I will see you soon my daughter, Madison.

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