The mermaid kingdom

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"Everyone's missed me?" I asked. "Madison, your a mermaid, you belong with the merpeople." She said. I turned back to find the shore but it was gone, so what else could I do? Mary dove into the water right next to me. She held out her hand, I hesitated but maybe u did belong in the sea. I was always different than the other girls my age, all they thought about was dresses and money. I slowly put my hand in her hand, she looked up at me and smiled, her teeth were as white as pearls. "It will be fine, Madison don't worry." She whispered to me. She held my hand tight and we swam down beneath the surface. It was dark I couldn't see anything but I turned to look at Mary who had a necklace that shined bright in the darkness. "Mary what's that?" I asked. "Oh this Madison is for all mermaids it's the key to the kingdom." She smiled. We kept swimming in the darkness until I saw something ahead. It was the cove wall and we were swimming straight towards it!" "Mary, there's a wall were going to hit it!" I screamed. "Have faith, my dear." She said. We swam so close I knew we were going to hit it dead on. I closed my eyes I couldn't look. I thought we would hit the wall any second, but nothing happened. I opened up my eyes and we were on the other side! Mary looked at me and pointed to her necklace. "The only way in the only way out." She said. I turned from her and saw a beautiful castle. It was diamond pure diamond. And shined brightly it lit up the entire kingdom!" All around me I saw mermaids and mermens swimming to the castle and around all their necks was the necklace Mary had. "Oh my gosh Mary this place, it's, its, beautiful!" I exclaimed. "Indeed it is Madison, we have lived here for thousands of years the cove wall protects us from outsiders.. Madison what your about to see you mustn't tell any humans of this place do you understand me." She said. "I promise." I replied, "come now Madison we have a celebration for you!" She said. "For me?" I asked. "Why yes? You have returned home!" Mary said. I swam next to Mary she smiled and we swam to the castle. It had so many towers I couldn't even count the number. We swam into the entry hall that had a white chandelier made out of diamonds. I looked around me and saw the mermaids and merman's clapping and applauding me they all were beautiful and young. All their tails shined and many were blended with thousands of colors. Mary grabbed my hand and swam to a big open room she and I swam to the top of the room. I looked through all the open columns and saw that daylight was coming. Then it dawned on me. My parents, what would they think happened? I had to go back to shore, but I remembered how could I find them I was a mermaid now, forever.... And James what was I going to tell him, my heart began to break. "Merpeople of the Atlantic Kingdom I am proud to announce Madison our newest mermaid!" Mary said. I looked down and saw hundreds of mermaids and mermans clapping for me maybe even thousands. For some reason my heart didn't ache anymore because I felt at home here.
"Hi my name is Marina, nice to meet you." She said. Marina was skinny, very skinny and had eyes that were hazel. Her hair was blonde and was as bright as the sun. "Hi I'm Madison, nice to meet you." She shook my hand and when she extended her arm towards me I saw a scar that went from her shoulder to her hand. "When I was little I was captured by pirates." Marina said. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that." I said. She forced a smile and continued eating breakfast. "Wow this is good! I've never liked human food but mermaid food 10/10!" I exclaimed. "Good, because will be here for the rest of our lives," marina said. I dropped my fork and fear washed over me. "What do you mean? We can't ever leave." I asked. "No, unless for an emergency that's why Mary gave us these necklaces." Marina said. I was lost in thought about everything that's happened to me these past couple of days when I heard someone calling my name. "Madison, Madison are you alright?"  Marina asked. Oh yep I'm fine it was nice meeting you, do you know where Mary is I need to talk to her."
I swam up to the highest tower where Marina told me where Mary's room was. I knocked on the door. I heard sounds, sounds of magic inside. Then I heard a bottle being closed. "Coming just a second." Mary said. The door opened and Mary was there but something was different about her. "Mary I love it here I think it's incredible but I just need to see my parents again." I said. "Madison come inside and sit." I walked in and saw hundreds of bottles with twinkling stars in each of them. Mary led me to a couch that most have been magical because the water was resistant to it. Mary put her hand on my shoulder and smiled, but it wasn't a welcoming smile. "Madison you belong here, we're your family now." She said. I noticed something about Mary that very moment there was something evil in her heart. "I know but I didn't choose this life, you did." Mary took her hand off my shoulder and stood up. She walked over and looked at a picture on the wall. It was of a mermaid trapped in netting that a pirate casted down at her. "Madison humans are evil, they will take anything thing beautiful in this word and destroy it." Mary said. This side of Mary I've never see was frightening me. "Mary but I was human and I had a family who loved me  and cared for me." I said. "You shall not leave this place not now not ever!" May screamed she ripped her crown off her head and threw it on the ground it shattered into pieces. "After what Charles did to me, you are not leaving!" She screamed. I swam out of her room, my mind filled with anxiety not knowing what to do but one thing was for sure I had to leave this place.

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