The ball

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The night had come for the ball. I walked out to the living room to show my parents my dress. "Oh Madison it's beautiful you look stunning." My dress was a light teal color, it had Ruffles on my arms. I wore white gloves, that had little diamonds on it. My hair was curled and pulled into a bun. All my dad could do was smile, I saw a little tear rain down his cheek. "Oh Madison look at you, your all grown up!" I smiled and blushed a little. Then I heard a knock at the door. I ran up to the door and glanced in the window. It was James he was wearing a black suit with a blue tie. His eyes sparkled and his hair was combed to the side. And he smiled his smile that I fell in love with.  I opened the door and saw a carriage behind James that looked as it was fit for a prince and princess. "Hello your majesty are you ready." He winked at me, and I smiled. "Yes my brave prince lets go to the ball." I replied, he took my hand and we walked into the carriage. I turned around to see my mother and father waving to me. "Have fun dear! Love you!" They both said. "Love you bye!" I said. Once we were inside the carriage James pulled out something from behind him. "I have a gift for you, Madison." He said. He opened his palm and in it was a white box that had diamonds all around it. I was speechless. "Oh James, it's beautiful!" I exclaimed. He smiled and then opened the box. He pulled out a diamond necklace, the diamond had a hint of blue in it and shined so bright in the moonlight. No words came out when I tried to speak. He sat closer to me and put the necklace around my neck. "A perfect fit." He whispered into my ear. I looked at him and it was as if the whole world stopped. I leaned closer to his face and put my hand on his warm cheek. He leaned in closer. And put his hand on my cheek. Then our lips met one another. This was my first kiss and it was perfect. "Wow James, I didn't know you were so... Romantic." "And I you." He said. I felt the carriage stop, I glanced through the window, and saw the beautiful mansion we have arrived at. The door opened and we exited the carriage. I saw hundreds of people walking up to the mansion all of them dressed in jewels and exotic dresses. James wrapped his arm around mine and we entered the ball. Two men dressed in suits opened the grand oak doors for us. Once we entered I saw a chandelier that hung high up it was glazed in pure gold. I smiled at James and he kissed my cheek. Then another set of doors opened and led us to the ball. I heard the music, playing it was beautiful. The people dancing in sync with the women's dresses twirling though the air. "May I have this dance." James said, his arm grabbed my back and pulled me closer to him. "I would be delighted." I said. Then we began to dance. A singer appeared on the stage next to the orchestra and began to sing. His voice was breath-taking the music went with his voice perfectly. "All these nights wandering to myself. Do I deserve you? Heart beating with you by my side and holding you close. So close to reaching that faith is always been. And I first met you the love of my life.... We're so close yet so far but look how far we've come... And I love you with all of my heart.... I'm reaching out to you, but I'm missing you. Someday I'll be gone and you'll be alone..... We came so close yet so far. But how can I lose you now? We came so close yet so far and faith is always been. Now I'm gone and how can I lose you now?...." I began to cry. The song was so true. I can't keep seeing James when I now I will have to leave him. "Are you alright, Madison is everything alright?" James asked. I wiped my eyes and cleared my throat. "Yes James everything's fine." I said. Everything fell silent, out of nowhere I felt a sharp pain hit my legs it felt like a thousand swords were stabbing me. I fell to the ground I couldn't get back up. My throat was burning as if fire was inside of me. I screamed. Everyone backed away from the dance floor except James. "James. Take me to the ocean please....." I saw his face it was washed over with fear. Then my eyes became heavy and everything became dark around me.

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