First visit to the sea

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                            16 years later...
Madison grew into a wonderful,beautiful women she had brown hair with a hint of red that always danced in the wind. Her eyes were still a beautiful ocean color. Her father and mother aged but still grasped on to their youth. Madison loved to draw on beautiful summer days she would run up the big hill and would draw anything she could find. One day she decided that she wanted to go to the city to buy more art supplies. "Mother, father I was wondering after my studies if I could go to the city with one of you to buy more art supplies?" "Sure Madison I would love to go with you, we could have some mother daughter bonding time," said Wendy. "I can't come because I'm going golfing with the smiths I'm sorry dear," said Charles. "It's fine dad don't worry I'll have fun with mom."

The next day Madison picked out a nice pink dress and an umbrella with white lining. "Ready Madison?," Wendy asked. "I'm ready, how do I look?" Madison asked. "Beautiful as always dear."

They rode their carriage across the dirt path that led to the city. It was summer and the sun shined brightly across South Carolina.  "Mother when we get there if I may ask, may I go by the harbor?" "Sure honey," Wendy said. Charles never told Wendy about what the mermaid said because it has just slipped his mind. Once they arrived Wendy ran into one of her old friends named Scarlet Ohansen. They talked for a long time and Madison decided to go to the harbor.

Madison walked onto the beach she has never felt sand before but she loved it. She threw her shoes onto the sand and ran into the water. She looked out and saw the ocean. It was beautiful the sun shining on it just right made it look like there were diamonds glistening on top of the ocean. She walked closer to the water, then the salt water came up and touched her soft skin. "Oh this feels incredible why did father never take me here?" She said. she kept going deeper into the water even though she had a dress on she didn't care. She went so deep that she couldn't touch anymore and just started swimming around. Madison has never been swimming before, it just came to her naturally.
Little did she know something started to happen. When she swam to shore she looked at her feet and there were scales on them. "Ahh!!! What's happening?! Help!!" She cried. She ran out of the water and sat on the sand. "What is this?!" She looked at her feet that were all scaly but when the sun shined on her, it disappeared and her legs were normal again. "Honey is everything alright, are you ok?" Her mother asked. She ran on to shore and helped Madison up. "Dear what happened?! Your dress it's ruined and where are your shoes?!" "I'm sorry mother the tide just swept me in, but don't worry everything's.... Fine."

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