First mermaid adventure

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Madison's point of view
It been a week since my father told me that I was a mermaid. I spent my time in my room reading and learning about these creatures, I didn't believe him in the beginning, but every day that went I felt a stronger need to return to the ocean. We decided not to tell my mother, it would be easier if she didn't know (because she can never keep her mouth shut). I knew that i would have to go back to the sea I just don't know when I could tell my dad. Today though I couldn't get the thought out of my head. I was reading upstairs while my mother was doing her book club. Now would be the time to go. I went down the stairs quietly and I met eyes with my father. He looked at me then shook his head and pointed to the door. "Be back soon please..." He whispered.
As I walked out of the house I had a dress on but under it was my white bathing suit. I started to run because I couldn't wait to enter the ocean again. Finally when I arrived at the beach I quickly went by the rocks and threw my stuff down. I looked down at the water below me and slowly went in. I started swimming and I could see everything perfectly! The little fish gliding in the water, the coral brightly colored shimmered in the sunlight. It was breath-taking. Then I turned around and saw a bright flash, my legs grew scaly. Then the magic twinkled on my legs and shined so brightly I couldn't even see. Once the light faded I saw that my legs were gone and a mermaid tail took its place! My tail was green and it glistened in the sunlight, by my fin I had many white scales. Then I laughed thinking I would choke on water but nothing happened, I could breath under water! I could get used to this "mermaid life" I thought to myself. I flipped my fin once and it shot me through the water like a bullet. I was going faster than any boat I've ever seen! Then I heard a faint voice I stopped immediately. Oh no if someone found me what would I do? Then I looked down and saw only a small turtle. "Hello is anyone there?" I asked. "Sorry miss it's just me didn't mean to bother you." I looked down and saw that the turtle was talking to me! I must be in a dream. I swam down to him. "Can you understand me?" I asked. "Yes mam, uhh are you okay miss you seem a little shocked." The turtle said. I couldn't believe it, I could talk to sea creatures too! I pinched my arm thinking I would wake up but I didn't this was all real. I swam farther out into the ocean. I must have lost track of time because when I went to the surface the sun was already setting. "Ugh I have to go back now." But in every direction I looked I couldn't see land, everywhere I looked was just ocean. I dove back into the waters hoping I could find my way home. Then I remembered that when I was little I would love to watch the sunrises through my window. So all had to do was swim away from the sun. I flipped my tail as fast as I could, the water on my skin felt great, i kept swimming but the sun was setting fast. Then I saw something in the distance a shark. I kept swimming trying to ignore it. Then I came up close to the monster. It was like in slow motion. It's eyes were black and its teeth were stained with blood from his victims. He was fast, but I was faster.I was so ahead of the monster I couldn't  even see him anymore. I finally saw the shoreline, once I arrived I went by the rocks. I jumped out of the water and landed on the rocks. I scraped my arm pretty bad when I hit the rocks. It was bleeding excessively, great I thought once I get home my dad won't let me go to the ocean again. I sat there then my tail began to sparkle. My tail  shined bright. Once the magic  faded I had legs again. When I stood up on the cold rocks I realized that my bathing suit was ruined. It was torn from my legs to my stomach. I jumped down from the rocks, and hid behind them (so nobody would see me changing) once I took of my swim suit I put on my dress. Then I put my swimsuit in my bag an began my journey back home.

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