The move

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"Charles do you have any news?? Is there any hope for me and our child." Wendy asked. "Yes my love, here drink this," Charles said. Wendy was hesitant at first, she looked at the glass and it was so bright it could almost blind her. "Charles what is this? Are you sure it's safe. I'm scared," she said. "I promise you no harm will come to you and our child if you just drink this before its to late." Charles knew that their daughter could become a mermaid but he would protect his daughter and without the potion his wife would die. Wendy knew she was going to die without it, so she drank the potion. The potion went down her throat and went to the unborn child a bright blue light shone from her stomach then faded. Her skin was full with color again, her hair was a bright light brown color, and her eyes were with life again. She smiled and hugged her husband. "Charles let's name our child Madison." "Wendy what if it's a boy," Charles asked. "Trust me she will be a girl," Wendy said.

Three weeks later Madison was born. She had beautiful light brown hair with a hint of red, her eyes were as blue as the ocean, her skin was white but tiny freckles around her nose. Charles remembered that Madison could not go to the ocean, he was very worried if he would lose his daughter. "Wendy I think it would be better if we moved to the countryside just you, me, and Madison." Wendy was perplexed why would they move? This place was perfect for them. But she felt like she needed to repay her husband since he saved her life. "Charles if it makes you happy, it makes me happy," she said. In three weeks they moved from the beach. Into a huge beautiful mansion that was five miles from the sea. Inside it had a diamond chandelier, the staircase curled and had beautiful wooden steps. The dining room overlooked the vast green countryside, it was stunning. "Wow honey it's beautiful!" Wendy exclaimed. "It was my brothers but when he moved to England he just left it vacant," Charles said. "Well I think it's beautiful, Madison what do you think?" Madison was still an infant and couldn't speak but she tilted her head to the ocean and pointed to it.

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