Young Love

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When I returned home I was greeted by my mother. "Honey, how was the party did you have fun." "Oh yeah the party it was great!" I said. Dad must have told her I was going to a party not to the ocean. I felt a sense of relief that she didn't know my secret, yet. "I'm really tired mom I'm going to go to sleep, love you," I said. "Okay sweet heart goodnight... Wait what happened to your arm." I totally forgot about it. "Oh I just slipped outside I'm fine really, goodnight." I tried to force a smile, then I retreated to my bedroom. "Charles is Madison not telling me something." "No dear why would you ever think that," Charles said.
Once I was in my room I was to tired to change so I just fell asleep in my dress. I fell into a deep sleep immediately. I had a dream that I was standing in a white room, on the left was my family and on the right was the lady with the blue hair. My parents were waving to me and crying, "goodbye Madison, we love you." I tried to walk to them but realized I had a mermaid tail. I tried to transform back into a human but nothing happened. Then I saw my parents turn around and walk away leaving me. "Mom, dad don't leave! Dad!!" Then I woke up... I yanked off my covers to see if I still had legs, luckily I did. Then it dawned on me. I realized that one day I would have to choose between being a mermaid and living in the sea or staying a human and stay with my family.
I woke up to the smell of toast and eggs, it smelled great. I forgot I still had my dress on so I changed into my nightgown and shoved my dress under my bed. I walked down the nice wooden stairs thinking of the dream I had last night. I came to the conclusion that I would want to remain human as long as I could. "Good morning dear, sleep well?" My mother asked. "Couldn't have slept better," I lied. "These eggs are great mom and this toast, delicious," I said. "Thanks Madison I do try," she said. "Dear today I'm sorry but your great grandmother passed three days ago. She wished to be buried at sea. Today we all have to go on a funeral boat around noon. I'm sorry Madison are you okay?" "Yes I'm fine," I replied. I never met my great grandmother but I'm sad for my mom because they were close, really close. After breakfast I went to my room to get ready for the funeral.
When we arrived at the funeral it was a ferry boat that looked brand new. Once we were on the boat the older men and women sat around and mourned. But I was the only "young" person there so I just stood by the edge of the brand new boat and stared down into the deep ocean. I could here faint sounds coming from the water and I only assumed one thing that it was, the sea creatures. It felt like the water was calling my name but I had to resist it, the less I was in the water the longer I could remain human. I just had to keep telling myself this. I was in deep thought when someone tapped my shoulder. "Hello, it's beautiful out there isn't it," he said. I turned over and saw him. He was around my age with black hair that was combed to the side, his eyes were a teal color, and I couldn't help but notice that he was exceptionally good-looking. "It is, hello my name is Madison and you are?" "James Smith a pleasure to meet you miss," he replied. He bent down and kissed my hand. "Enchanted," "your beautiful," he said. "Thanks so... Um are you from around here." Trying to break the awkwardness after that was difficult. "I'm visiting here just for the summer, my parents are in Africa for a mission trip, so I'm just staying with my grandparents, you?" "Born and raised in South Carolina," I replied. "Tomorrow I'm going fishing with my grandparents they said I could invite someone and since your the only person I know want to come." He smiled. "Sure I'll come since I don't have anything better to do, note the sarcasm." I said. We both laughed a little. "Wait will we get wet tomorrow?" I asked. "Well maybe just a little, saltwater won't kill you will it," he chuckled. "I just don't want to get wet, that's all." I said. "Don't worry I'll make sure you won't get one drop of saltwater on you I promise," he replied. "Thanks, can't wait for tomorrow." I replied. Just then I felt the boat stop. "Attention lady's and gentlemen will you all come and take your seats. James and I both sat next to each other, he opened his palm and in it was a little piece of paper. He winked at me, I opened the little piece of paper and it had the address and the time for fishing tomorrow. I smiled at him, and we both held hands. "This is the very place Maria Wendy Thompson wanted to be buried. And I quote I want to be with my mermaid friends." God bless you Maria you will always be remembered." Said the pastor. After the speech they lifted the coffin and dropped it into the ocean. I watched as it sank to the bottom with the white flower bouquet still afloat. James walked up to me and wrapped his arm around me. "Are you alright Madison." He asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I put my head on his shoulder, and for a moment I thought that I could live a normal life.

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