The invitation

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Madison's POV
Its beautiful. The sun setting is one of the things that astonishes me. Watching the colors blend and dance in the sky. I rested my head on James' shoulder. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me. Some people say true love isn't real but right now I would have to disagree. Then the colors faded and the stars became visible. "I had a great time, of course after the boat ride," I said. "Madison I enjoyed every second of it," James chuckled. "I had a great time I'll see you soon," I said. "Wait when can I see you again?" James asked. "Tomorrow by the sea," I replied.
Once I arrived home my father was there to greet me. "Hello dad," I said. "Hello Madison how was your date?" He said. He was holding back a laugh. "It wasn't a date it was just a... Get together." Even when I said it I knew it was basically a date. "How's the um.... Merma.." Dad said. "Fine all under control.... Goodnight and tomorrow I'm going to see James again." "James, James, James it's all about him these days, my dad chuckled. I laughed a little then when right to bed.
The next morning I woke up my legs were throbbing I looked down and saw scales.... I didn't have any salt water touch my legs how was this possible? I sat there and felt a sharp pain, then it was gone. My legs were normal again, thankfully. I knew my time as a human were coming to an end, I would have to make the best of the little time I had left.
"Hi James!" I shouted. I ran up to him and saw a letter behind his back. "What's that?" I asked. I saw him blush a little then he spoke. "It's an umm, invitation to a ball. It's in four days you don't have to go if you don't want to I understand." "I would love to go!" I exclaimed. "Really? Yes! Great. Do you know how to dance? I'm not good at dancing." James said. "I could teach you." I said. I put out my hand, and stepped closer to him. He slowly put his arm around me, and stepped closer. I saw that he was blushing and so was I. The salty sea air made my dress blow in the wind. And the ocean waves was like music to the dance. I looked up and met his eyes he smiled. He grabbed by hand and we began to dance. He was a natural. "Wow your good at this." I said. "Madison maybe your just a great teacher." We kept dancing to the sound of the waves. "James there's something I must tell you." His eyes met mine and he knew something was wrong. "I will have to leave soon I don't know when but...." "We will all have to leave someday Madison but why worry about such things now? Enjoy everyday like its your last." He smiled and I smiled back. He was right though.

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