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Madison's point of view

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. Was I normal? Does this happen to everybody?
Even after we left the store I couldn't stop thinking about it. The carriage ride home I decided to ask my mom. "Mother have you ever went swimming in the ocean before?" "Yes," my mother said. "Did anything weird happen when you were swimming in the ocean?" I asked I didn't want to be too straight forward. "No honey, are you alright what happened while you were in the sea," mom said. "Nothing happened just asking," I said. Once we arrived home I went straight to my room I was going to draw but a book caught my eye. The book was called creatures of the deep. I opened the old book it was so dusty, The first page was crinkled but on it was a beautiful mermaid. Her tail started at her waist and was blue and.... Scaly. This isn't true they aren't real I couldn't possibly, be one. Just then my dad came in. "Hi Madison dinners ready, what are you reading." "Oh it's nothing just got a little bored that's all." I said. My dad came over and picked up the old book. "What is this? I don't want you reading these mermaid myths! There all false don't fill your head with such barbaric things!!" He screamed. He ran down the stairs I could hear his feet stomping the wooden floors. I heard him cursing under his breath, then he slammed the door and was gone. I ran down the stairs frightened and scared. "Mother, mother what's wrong with father?" I quickly ran to the door and looked through the clear glass. I saw him walking to town by himself, alone at night. "Mother why is father going to town at this time of night?!" My mother came in the room with her beautiful brown hair down and her white nightgown on. "I don't know dear, but don't worry I'm sure everything's alright." Her reassurance didn't calm me down, something was wrong.
Narrators point of view
Charles walked in the cold night, he traveled all the way to the ocean. The clouds opened up and started raining, he could barely see but he knew she was out there. QUEEN OF THE ATLANTIC OCEAN!!! I know your out there!!! Just then he saw a women sitting on a rock nearby she had a thin white dress on. Charles knew it was her. She walked with such elegance, her hair blew in the wind and was resistant to the rain. "Is something wrong Charles, why are you here?" She asked. "My daughter, she was reading this." He threw it to her, she caught it with ease. "Creatures of the deep? Huh, where did she go today?" She asked. "Madison went to the city and went shopping with her mother," Charles said. "I watched her Charles she went into the sea by herself... She enjoyed it." The mermaid said. Fear and complete shock washed over Charles' face. "Why didn't you stop her?!" He asked. "Charles, Madison is her own person she can chose her fate." The mermaid looked at Charles then walked away into the midnight rain.

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