Catching Up

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After School

Lexi's POV

Prince and I decided to go for a walk in the park to catch up with each other. We asked questions and got to know each other better. After wards we went to my house,and sat on the porch.

Prince: This is your house

Lexi: Yea you know it hasn't changed that much.

Prince: What! it's like a mansion

Lexi: (laughs) You look shocked by the changes

Prince: Yes I am it's so much bigger

Lexi: Well I guess more kids called for more rooms

Prince: How many brothers and sisters do you have now

Lexi: It's just four of us one sister and two brothers

Prince: I only remember Terrence

Lexi: Well there's also a Madison, and a Demetre (pronounced Da-me-tree)

Prince: Well then ok

Lexi: Yup let's go in. (opens the door) MOM!!!

Mom: In the kitchen

Lexi: (runs to the kitchen) Guess what

Mom: What

Lexi: Jacob is back (he walks in)

Jacob: Hello ma'am

Mom: Hey Jacob get over here (gives him a hug) I haven't seen you in years.

Jacob: Yea but I'm happy I'm back

Mom: Well so am I where's your mom

Jacob: Home

Mom: I'll be back soon I'm going to your house

Lexi,and Jacob: Ok

Prince: Your mom is so nice

Lexi: Yea to company, especially to you

Prince: What you mean by that

Lexi: She loves you like your her son

Prince: (pops his collar) Well you know I have that special charm (smiles)

Lexi: -_- uh no

Prince: (laughs)what?

Lexi: I'm the one with the charm here (twirls around and smiles)

Prince: -_- uh no

Lexi: I invited the girls to watch a movie earlier so you can invited the guys

Prince: Sure so what movie

Lexi: Final Destination 5

Prince: Sounds good to me

(Door bell rings and it's the girls so they come in and sit. Shortly after, the boys come so I take everyone to the screening room to watch the movie they all got popcorn soda or candy and I started the movie.)

Jenelle, Johanna, and Dymon were screaming while I was laughing.

The boys: (looking at me like I'm crazy)

Lexi: What it's funny.

Roc: People dieing is funny

Lexi: I'm not laughing at the fact that they died I'm laughing at how they died.

Ray: I don't think your friends have the same thought.

Lexi: (they all looked at me like I was stupid) smt I think it's funny so I don't care what y'all think.

The movie ended and my mom came back.

Mom: Hello everyone

Lexi: These are some friends I invited to watch a movie you know the girls, and the boys are Prince's friends

Boys: Hello ma'am

Mom: Hello um Prince your mom said to go home we're going out to dinner soon

Prince: Ok bye

Everyone said their goodbyes and left

Lexi: When you said "we're" who were you talking about

Mom: Everyone so get tell everyone to get ready and pick out your younger brother and sister's clothes

Lexi: Ok

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