They have boyfriend's?

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6:00 the same day

Johanna's POV

After being home about for so long with nothing to do I decided to go to the ice cream parlor. While there I saw Roc sitting down with Prod so I texted Jenelle and told her to come. I ordered a medium cookies and cream and went to sit by them.

Me: Hey guys

Roc: Wassup

Me: Nun much just got bored

Roc: So you came to eat cause you were bored

Me: Yea why not

Roc: (shaking his head)

Me: Well what are y'all doing here

Prod: I got bored

Me: See I'm not the only one

Roc: Well I'm just here because I...

Me: You were bored

Roc: Well...

Me: I'll take that as a yes so don't judge me cause I came when I was bored cause so did you

Jenelle: (Walks in orders ice cream and sits) Hey

Everyone else: Hey

Jojo: So what caused you to come here

Jenelle: You and boredom

Jojo: Okay so we have a table full of bored people here what do you want to do

Jenelle: Mall?

Guy's: (nod)

Jojo: Okay then let's go

We went to the mall and Jenelle and I bought bags and bags of clothes, shoes and jewelry. The guy's were carrying our bags and there were quite a lot but they didn't mind much. They got a few things for themselves then we left the stores and went back home.

In the car (they all came in Roc's car)

Jenelle: I'm tired

Roc: Me to

Jojo: I'm hungry

Prod: Me to

Jenelle, Roc: You always hungry damn...(laughs)

Jojo, Prod: Well you always tired damn...(laughs)

Jojo: I'm not always hungry

Jenelle: And the grass isn't green

Jojo: But the grass is green

Jenelle: And your always hungry

Jojo: ...

Jenelle: Exactly

Roc: I'm not always tired

Prod: When aren't you tired

Roc: When I'm not doing anything

Prod: ...

Roc: aight then

We got to me and Jenelle's houses (we live on the same block) then got our stuff told the guy's thanks and left.

Roc: Johanna's pretty

Prod: Yea so is Jenelle but they got boyfriends

Roc: How you know that

Prod: That girl Briana told me at school

Roc: Oh well she cute to

Prod: Yea well thanks for the ride bro

Roc: No prob


Jenelle POV

When I got home it was about nine thirty today was fun and I really like Prod so I hope he likes me back and we can get together soon.


Ugh I really don't know where I'm going with this story right now but I am gonna try my best to make it good I guess. Wish me luck the next chapter may be drama about what Briana told the boys tho hint hint what do you think the boys are gonna do since they think Jojo and Jenelle have bf's.

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