Working Progress

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Roc's POV

I'm at study hall with Briana now and nothing seems bad about her. I wonder what Lexi was talking about.

"Okay Bri" Roc said as he turned to look Briana in the eyes "So about the"

We were face to face and we leaned into each other as... My phone vibrated telling me i had a text. It was from Lexi

Text convo


Roc_toospiffy: Language

luv : Roc I told you about her she's no good and Jojo likes you a lot think about her too

Roc_toospiffy: Look i don't have time for this Lexi

luv: But Roc c'mon just think this through do what we both know is right

I just looked at my phone, turned back to Briana and smiled.

Lexi's POV

They leaned back in towards each other as I pulled Roc out of his seat and out the door, even though Trey was calling my name

"What the hell Lexi!!"Roc shouted

"I should be asking you the same thing!"

"Look Lexi I like Briana and she likes me what's the problem?"

"The problem is that you like Johanna and she likes you back"

"She has a boyfriend i mean just look at her and Jake"

"She doesn't like Jake, Briana told you that so she could get you"

"I don't think she would do that"

"Roc i love you soooo much just please listen to be about this for like the rest of the week and ill prove Johanna likes you and doesn't have a boyfriend."

"Okay Lexi and I love you to"

We both walked back inside and sat back down. Now i need to talk to Prod who needs to stop being all nice to Emara ( I changed Samantha to Emara) and start being nice to Jenelle and Johanna with Roc and bri easy right, WRONG.

I saw Johanna and Jake laughing and getting along well but i thought they didn't even like each other, so i texted her.

Text convo

luv: I got Roc to give you a chance

JojoIvy: Yay i love u soooooo much thx boo

luv: Your welcome but you have to work and show him you really like him too

JojoIvy: I will I promise

Well that's that finally two down two to go oy. The bell rang and everyone left for their next class.

After school

I met up with everyone outside of school.

"Heeey wassup people"

"Someone's in a good mood" Dymon said

"I'm not the only one, Johanna is to"

"I guess" Johanna said

"Hey babe" Jacob said poking out his lips

"Hey" I said ignoring what he did


"No I'm kidding" I said as i kissed him

"No PDA guys" Prod said

So i took the magazine I was holding and put it in front of Me and Jacob

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